The Official Food Thread

I made some bitchin' egg salad sandwiches earlier tonight. Goddamn, best thing I've ever made.
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say you've eaten enough hummus to be disgusted by it?

Blah blah. I'm from west by god virginia. I ain't interested in yer grammer Nazism.

The texture of it finally got to me more than anything else... And hummus poops are no fun.
YUM. I like hummus but 9/10 times the "vehicle" I use to eat it ends up being bread or some other carby thing and I way overdo it and get a stomachache and hummus poops.
I've been gaining weight like crazy so its time to stop eating so horribly.

...after today. Getting awesome casino food before some poker. Gotta love the preferred section.
Tonight was Chicken Tikka Masala, the national dish of the UK.

Chicken marinating in a yogurt marinade:

The chicken, having been broiled on skewers:

Sautéing garlic and jalapeños in butter:

Here is the finished product, on my plate:
All I can afford to eat when I'm at my apartment is jacket potato with cheese or pasta with pasta sauce and cheese. This probably isn't all that great for my health, no green vegetables or meat whatsoever. I occasionally get a subway BMT though.
Last night was salmon, salad with mushrooms, tomatoes, onions and red vinegar/oil/mustard dressing with half an avocado on it, and a generously buttered 1/2 big sweet potato with scallions.

Sunday I took a raisin challah, stuffed it with spicy lamb sausage and goat cheese and made a french toast out of it. Covered it with a citrus mint syrup (orange juice, lemon zest, sugar, mint), toasted almonds, some fresh mint, and powdered sugar. Rockin'.

Sunday I took a raisin challah, stuffed it with spicy lamb sausage and goat cheese and made a french toast out of it. Covered it with a citrus mint syrup (orange juice, lemon zest, sugar, mint), toasted almonds, some fresh mint, and powdered sugar. Rockin'.

So simple, why didn't I think of that?
It is just those three ingredients mixed together. I make my own dressings - always very simple ones.

I'll have to give it a try.

It's really weird, I'm 28 years old, I have been cooking eggs since I was about 8. And still to this day, I have a hard time flipping eggs without breaking the yoke. I am retarded.