The Official Food Thread

The yoke? Why would you have eggs yoked together like a pair of oxen?

Everyone spells words wrong or screws up their grammar from time to time, and when you suggest a perfectly reasonable solution like prison, or the electric chair, suddenly you are a "grammar Nazi" who makes a fuss over "technicalities" when everyone knows damn well what they meant to say.

And you know what, if people are going to spell "receive" wrong or complain about "hypocrasy," OK, whatever, it's pretty obvious what they're getting at. But sometimes they're not just spelling a word wrong, but replacing it with an existing word, with its own definition, creating an entirely different sentence with a new meaning. And if the new meaning is funny, it is a travesty, a travesty I say, if nobody is there to appreciate and laugh at it.

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today's lunch, bag of freezer veggies with garlic, okonomiyaki sauce & paprika, daikon and mango slaw, and a turkey burger
I love pizza, what kind is it ?. I use to make my own Pizza's and swear they were better than any pizza you can buy in a grocery store. I might just start making my own pizza's again.
Here's my Game of Thrones Season 3 premiere feast:

Summer Greens Salad:

Buttered Carrots:

Crusty Wheat Bread:

White Beans and Bacon:

Roast Partridges:

The whole lot (minus the salad):
Turned on my deep fryer, it's been a few years, and made some fish and chips, and smothered the fish in balsamic red vinegar, with some tarter sauce. So. Friggin. Good. mmmm
Fresh pork belly rubbed with cumin, coriander, fresh ginger, sugar, and salt. Fridge cured overnight.

Into the oven with some thyme, bay leaf, onion, carrot, and water.

Braised for a few hours until tender and skin is crispy.

Onto the toasted rolls with a little salt, fresh jalapeno, a squirt of lime juice, and lots of cilantro.
Fresh pork belly rubbed with cumin, coriander, fresh ginger, sugar, and salt. Fridge cured overnight.

Into the oven with some thyme, bay leaf, onion, carrot, and water.

Braised for a few hours until tender and skin is crispy.

Onto the toasted rolls with a little salt, fresh jalapeno, a squirt of lime juice, and lots of cilantro.

Looks fucken awesome, do you slice the fat in rectangles for flavor, or just to make it look more mouth watering yummy?