The Official Movie Thread

So yeah, I've watched Death Proof today and I gotta say I didn't like the ending at all. Some stupid pubert bitches kicked Kurt Russel's ass and stuff how I fucking hate them he had some awesome car.

The ending was fine, Kurt Russel got to kick plenty of ass in the first half, it wouldn't have made any sense to have the second half just be the exact same thing with new girls and a slightly different situation. Nothing wrong with girls kicking ass, Tarantino is a big fan of films with strong female characters, and I wouldn't be surprised if that ending was partially inspired by Faster Pussycat, Kill Kill!
I thought it was cool, but as far as gory asian horror/action movies go, I've seen better.

The drill bra was hilarious though.

Yeah, it was good but not great. It had a lot of cool stuff, but nothing that hasn't been seen before.
I can't say I've ever seen a drill bra before.

mmm true, after doing some digging that seems to be unique, so I guess it wins some points in that department, but still not entirely original. Mind you thats not a bad thing, but it's not gonna be sitting next to the B greats anytime soon.
Yeah. He's done some great ones man... Escape From New York; The Thing; Big Trouble in Little China, etc.

"Big Trouble in Little China" is fucking great!

Anyone notice how they stole Raiden (from Mortal Kombat)'s design from those three dudes in that movie? (Apparently the movie was made before Mortal Kombat)

I also thought that it might be some Chineese legend that both got the idea from but couldn't be bothered looking that up.