The Official Movie Thread

I really really need to see Big Trouble in Little China again, I think I was really young when I saw it, and I don't really remember it too well.
I really really need to see Big Trouble in Little China again, I think I was really young when I saw it, and I don't really remember it too well.

Same here, but because I was stoned, not a child.

Anyways, I saw Kung-Fu Panda today and was suprised by how good it was (especialy the intro and the dumpling fight) there were boring bits but over all it was pretty good.

It had a pretty good cast but most of them didn't have very many lines.
Its amazing, incredibly underrated because the sequels dont have any content other than shit blowing up, which is cool once and awhile but the first one is pretty depressing and awesome
I finally watched The Blair Witch Project last night. Awesome movie. I havn't been this scared while watching a movie in a long ass time. I loved how they never actually showed the ghost and how they strived on atmosphere rather then cheap shock terror.
I just watched Rock The Bells, a documentary about the last Wu-Tang Clan show with the full original line up. It was fucking nail biting viewing, near riots, security fuckups, organisational fuckups, and waiting to see if ODB would show up or not. Really well made and highly recommended.
Watched There Will Be Blood last night.

Good movie, but I need to watch it again more closely. I missed a few lines and such. I was watching it with friends and one friend kept asking about oil in the early twentieth century. So I missed some stuff.

I'll watch it by myself again sometime.
I saw Mongol last night. It was alright but one of those movies that was less than the sum of its parts. It had good action sequences, well acted characters and beautiful visuals. But a lot of the movie felt like build up to something that never really came. The movie was nearly two and a half hours long, yet they never show Temujin conquering China.
I saw Mongol last night. It was alright but one of those movies that was less than the sum of its parts. It had good action sequences, well acted characters and beautiful visuals. But a lot of the movie felt like build up to something that never really came. The movie was nearly two and a half hours long, yet they never show Temujin conquering China.

I've only just heard about this movie this weekend. It sucks, because it's not playing in any theaters near me.

I think the following movies in the trilogy might build upon the story somewhat, maybe take it where you thought it was going.

EDIT: didn't see Psychonaut's post. :cool:
Watched Wanted last night. I liked it. My parents freaked out whenever there was blood though.
I've only just heard about this movie this weekend. It sucks, because it's not playing in any theaters near me.

I think the following movies in the trilogy might build upon the story somewhat, maybe take it where you thought it was going.

EDIT: didn't see Psychonaut's post. :cool:
I was unaware that it was a trilogy. There wasn't any indication during the movie and at the end they had one of those text "this is what happens to the characters after the movie" things.
I saw Mongol last night. It was alright but one of those movies that was less than the sum of its parts. It had good action sequences, well acted characters and beautiful visuals. But a lot of the movie felt like build up to something that never really came. The movie was nearly two and a half hours long, yet they never show Temujin conquering China.

I saw a poster for that that looked like a certain R.A. Salvatore character, for you nerds out there. I will probably see it, but not in theaters.

Wanted looked absolutely ridiculous in an awesome way.
Well yeah. The add featured someone shooting someone else's bullet in midair. That's retarded, but really fun to watch with a couple friends...
I went and saw Wall-E last was br00tal

no, but it was really good. stunning animation and integration of live action footage. I'm also really surprised Disney would put out a film that's rather anti-corporate but good on them