The Official Movie Thread

Which one do you guys think is better, the original Dawn Of The Dead or the remake? I actually think the remake is one of the few remakes that's better than the original.
I have a friend who is a trekkie who keeps complaining that they basically fucked up the story line by trying to describe what happened before the original series. That's all I know.
I am also a trekkie and I thought the movie was great. It wasn't really like other Star Trek films, but you have to be a bitch to complain about storyline discontinuities or stuff like that. It was a fun, enjoyable movie with some good acting, good special effects, and decent writing. Eric Bana was especially good imo and I wish they had fleshed his character out a little more.
I thought it was very good as well, and I've every movie, episode (well..of TOS), etc.....

Some complaints were.... (spoilers)

...I know *why* the emphasis is placed on it being an alternate timeline, but I don't know *why*. What I mean is, although nothing as monumental as a whole planet being obliterated happened in other time-travel occurances, I saw little to differentiate the time-travel in this movie from others..... if an alternate timeline was created here, then why not in 'First Contact', 'The Voyage Home', etc? Because things still changed there, even occurances one would think are small, i.e. Earth people being aware of the Borg hundreds of years before, that can cause a huge snowball effect. So..... :ill:

Nero = average revenge guy. But, he did non-average revenge it's disappointing he wasn't fleshed out more. You didn't really get to know him and feel him advasarial as with Khan, Chang, etc.

Nothing Nero did would have prevented a star from going supernova. Sure, a full fledged Romulan Star Empire might have taken over the quadrant by then... but still. The home planet is pretty much going to die. Fail.

Spock tosses Kirk onto an ice planet loaded with dangerous creatures rather than putting him in the brig. Red line of destiny notwithstanding (he met old Spock and Scotty, somehow, because of this).... seemed slightly out of character even for an emotionally conflicted Spock.

Spock & Uhura...what the ???? How did that happen? No buildup or anything, just..bam.

More Orion girl though, plz. Although it's a shame she's kind of a whore. But Kirk pretty much is too. Eh...

I would have seen it but my girlfriend is a bit of a movie snob, so we saw Slumdog Millionaire instead, which we both really enjoyed.

And I'm looking forward to Angels & Demons the same way Nick was looking forward to Star Trek. I liked the book better than The Da Vinci Code, and I'm all about Roman architecture and such.
I am also a trekkie and I thought the movie was great. It wasn't really like other Star Trek films, but you have to be a bitch to complain about storyline discontinuities or stuff like that. It was a fun, enjoyable movie with some good acting, good special effects, and decent writing. Eric Bana was especially good imo and I wish they had fleshed his character out a little more.

I agree; and for how commercial of a director J.J. Abrams is, I think he does a really good job. The effects were good, some of the shots were really epic, and the acting was even good (I mean, not great; but tolerable at the very least). I like Abrams, and I'm looking forward to see what he does in the future.

By the way, on a side note:
Abrams is known for dropping little inside jokes throughout lots of his projects that connect them in some way. Along with movies, he also does the t.v. shows Lost and Fringe. I don't know if anyone has been keeping up with Fringe, but in the finale episode, Leonard Nimoy makes a special guest appearance. :cool: I was laughing my ass off.