The Official Movie Thread

By the way, on a side note:
Abrams is known for dropping little inside jokes throughout lots of his projects that connect them in some way. Along with movies, he also does the t.v. shows Lost and Fringe. I don't know if anyone has been keeping up with Fringe, but in the finale episode, Leonard Nimoy makes a special guest appearance. :cool: I was laughing my ass off.

There were things like that in the film too, IMDB has a list of them, though it may be incomplete.
that movie ruled. I should go buy it on BD

Haha. It reminded me alot of "The Unit" like the tactics and shit, but maybe not as good as them but still on that level.

I laughed at the part where he was like "Now If I dial this number there will be about 30 swat officers storming this building faster then you can scratch your worthless balls"
The Wrestler - I thought this was pretty good. If anything, it's good to see Rourke back. The movie went really fast for me, which is a good sign, but I felt like something was missing. Still haven't nailed it down yet. Thank you, Marissa, for being so naked without Philip Seymore Hoffman in the frame.

The Reader - This was good as well. I think Kate Winslet was nominated for best actress (or won it) but she didn't seem to have many lines nor show much range. Maybe it's because the role was considered "brave"? Anyway, worth a watch.

Lakeview Terrace - Was okay. A little heavy-handed and far fetched with the racism just to advance the story faster. The ending felt like a bit of a cop-out.
The Reader - This was good as well. I think Kate Winslet was nominated for best actress (or won it) but she didn't seem to have many lines nor show much range. Maybe it's because the role was considered "brave"? Anyway, worth a watch.

it's 'cause the academy loves her and nominates her left right and centre yet for some reason never actually gives her an award, and so i guess they started to feel a bit guilty about that. kind of like when they gave scorsese the oscar for the departed, 'cept that wasn't guilt so much as saving face after a bunch of ridiculous oversights. but yeah that winslet performance obviously wasn't anything special, but she's been better in other stuff so whatever.
I finally got around to watching No Country for Old Men. It was pretty good.

I also watched Taken which was o-k. I didn't like the ending and it was annoying how everything worked out to be all perfect and happy in the end and also how Liam's character was perfect in every single thing he did.
The one I thought that stood out this year as the Academy being pc was Sean Penn for Milk. His acting was good but the movie itself was pretty generic.

yeah man, it's amazing how few critics saw through that movie. then again i'd say the entire list of best pic nominations was pc as hell, no doubt a reaction to last year

i saw star trek which i quite liked, but it was p much overshadowed by the AWESOME trailer for HP6.
i liked Star Trek too. although i thought Nero's motivation for destroying Vulcan was fuckin lame. you don't blow up a dude's planet just cuz he failed to save yours from a fuckin supernova. he volunteered ffs.

anyway it was quite entertaining and most of the younger versions of the crew were fitting. except for Chekhov, he was annoying.
I saw a bunch of movies lately, but on the taken conversation:

- Liam Neeson was awesome; but the girl was such a horrible actor, and almost ruined the movie for me. God she fucking sucked
The centre of art where I live shows classic movies every sunday. Last night it was Rio Bravo, one of my favourite films ever. I could watch this film over and over and not get sick of it. Howard Hawks' direction should be the handbook for all action/suspense films.