The Official Movie Thread

I have mixed feelings about the new terminator. I'd like to post my thoughts, but they include spoilers. I'll try to be uh subtle about it. In my opinion, the guy who does die at the end shouldn't have died because:
1. His storyline was much more interesting
2. It didn't matter if the guy he was trying to save died or not because the kid was saved.

but whatever
well I don't know. Kind of hard to live without a heart. Especially with the Christ imagery...marcus sacrificing himself to save mankind.

and yeah. the dialog was pretty over the top at times, but the acting was rather solid
The dialogue was ridiculous at times.

I also agree that "the guy who died that shouldn't have died's" storyline was much more interesting. I found myself caring about him more than anyone else in the story.
oh yeah, has anyone seen the trailer for The Road? In case you haven't:


I don't know. It looks like it's going to miss the point of the novel and is more action or suspenseful than it should be. :erk:

*waiting for tom to come in yammering about John Hillcoat*

I agree, I'm really psyched for that film.

*waiting for tom to come in yammering about John Hillcoat*

:lol: Yeah, he probably will.

I don't know, while I think the movie may try and be a bit more action-packed than the book, I'm still excited for it.

Although that initial shot of the ships grounded and everything covered in ash looked a bit excessive. This film doesn't need lots of fancy effects in order to fly; it should concentrate on the characters more than the setting.
*waiting for tom to come in yammering about John Hillcoat*

it was probably more nick cave than hillcoat tbh, but yeah that trailer left me pretty cold. not willing to judge it based on a trailer though.

i wanna see sherlock holmes too!

gonna go see synecdoche new york at the cinema today, then come back and watch utd win the champions league. could be one of the most awesome days of my life haha.
i'm not thrilled either but i'll definitely see it

i love the new harry potter trailer, did i mention that already. keep seeing it in the cinema and being like fuck yeah!
Probably seeing Terminator this weekend, stoked. Star Trek was awesome, just like everyone else has said. No decent horror flicks have come out this year since Last House On The Left which bums me out. If none of you have seen it though, I highly suggest it. EPIC RAPE SCENE.
Sherlock Holmes looked dumb. I like Downey, but he's just wrong for that role; and Guy Ritchie directing it? I'm sorry, but I'm not thrilled about it.

I like Downey as well but have to agree. I can't think of who would be good in that role off the top of my head, but it would need to be someone slighly older and more grim looking.