The Official Movie Thread

superficial how? you realise the incredibles and ratatouille are arguably the two most mature and complex pixar movies, right (save maybe the first half hour of wall-e, anyway)? are you admitting you havent even seen them?! :|

nemo's my favourite of the lot tbh. but i haven't seen up yet.

Nemo is awesome. Have not seen Ratatouille yet, but will. I rather enjoyed the Incredibles. The last quarter was a little weak though.
i hate nemo. fuck nemo.

ratatouille and wall-e were good though.
Just came back from watching My Bloody Valentine 3D.

The movie wasn't very good but i had a really fun time watching it BCOS IT WUZ 3D.

Finally took the time to watch this after I recorded it on DVR and it was a waste of 2 hours of my time. 2 out of 5 stars

Finally took the time to watch this after I recorded it on DVR and it was a waste of 2 hours of my time. 2 out of 5 stars

What! One of the greatest modern "western" movies I ever saw, 9 out of 10! Threw my DVDR away and got the real thing:)
finished Branagh's version of Hamlet... pretty damn good aside from some bad acting and cheesy effects... it was awesome to see the entire play on film for once.
finished Branagh's version of Hamlet... pretty damn good aside from some bad acting and cheesy effects... it was awesome to see the entire play on film for once.

I remember seeing that a few years ago. All I can really remember are the cheesy fog effects and everything for the ghost scenes. haha