The Official Movie Thread

oh haha, i didnt see that. did you see Tetro and Youth without Youth? . if so, opinions?

peter Travers really liked Tetro iirc.

saw Youth without Youth while back. think I have to rewatch it though
My favorite film from the US is the rather underrated indie Welcome to the Dollhouse directed by Todd Solondz and played to perfection by Heather Matarazzo. It's a shame none of Todd Solondz's consequent works are even in the ballpark.
I heartily recommend it to everyone. It can be simultaneously funny and sad; the soundtrack is top-notch. The subject matter may not be everyone's cup of tea-cruelty among youngsters, but everything about this movie is done with so much heart. Even thinking about specific scenes makes me choke up a bit.Utterly brilliant.
martyrs definitely was a hostel clone turned into an interesting awesome human exploration psychologically defining but seriously I cant think of a movie like it and was so greatly well done I don't know how you cant enjoy it! maybe because I don't think anyone here is as big of a horror fan like myself
Martyrs Spoilers

the first hour or whatever was really intense and intriguing and devastating to me, but once the organisation showed up i became very aware of the guys behind the camera trying to hammer home a point. it all went a bit 'funny games'. i'm not easily troubled by brutal exploitation, but i am dislocated by contrived writing.

I have not seen Funny Games.

I was not, and am still not, satisfied with the organization and their aims. I think they were not enlightened and their goals were nowhere near worthy for the lives they destroyed. I suppose this is obvious. But I do wonder if it allowed me to endure the brutalization to a degree. I tend to get much more enjoyment out of horror themes which have at least a twisted sense of purpose. I can enjoy Saw, but I disliked The Devil's Rejects and The Hills Have Eyes. I guess pure sadism is unattractive to me. I like at least some semblance of a reason for the brutality a horror film inflicts on its victims.
I don't like Funny Games for the message it forces down your throat, but it is a masterpiece of tension. The golfball drop scene is intense.
martyrs definitely was a hostel clone turned into an interesting awesome human exploration psychologically defining but seriously I cant think of a movie like it and was so greatly well done I don't know how you cant enjoy it! maybe because I don't think anyone here is as big of a horror fan like myself

i enjoyed it lots btw, and i love horror done well. just didn't buy the last act, even though i think it's fairly insightful. that kind of narrative move tends to annoy me regardless of genre.

I don't like Funny Games for the message it forces down your throat, but it is a masterpiece of tension. The golfball drop scene is intense.

agree. only seen the original.

gene hackman (typed gene jackman then which is an eerie thought) is a superb actor AND he's in so much good shit. legend.
Just completed an epic downloading spree of good comedy.

Office Space
Being John Malkovich
Black Cat White Cat
Monthy Python's The Meaning Of Life
I finally watched No Country For Old Men.

Wow! what a letdown after all the hype. Slow, monotonous, boring and kinda predictable...even the moments that left you guessing seemed worthless and meh. I like the actors here and thier characters, but felt they were pulled back too much...not as dynamic as they should've been? The type of movie I wanted to like going in, but it really didn't do much for me at all.

I will mention another movie that would also have some of the same descriptions as in being slow and kinda boring-this would be There Will Be Blood. The difference is the characters, especially D.D Lewis's role was captivating and powerful...couldn't stop watching if I wanted to? Even if I was unsure or didn't like the movies subject or contents? No Countries characters and such just didn't do this.