The Official Movie Thread

I will mention another movie that would also have some of the same descriptions as in being slow and kinda boring-this would be There Will Be Blood. The difference is the characters, especially D.D Lewis's role was captivating and powerful...couldn't stop watching if I wanted to? Even if I was unsure or didn't like the movies subject or contents? No Countries characters and such just didn't do this.

I felt there Will Be Blood had too lose of a plot and really never made a point. However, this could of reflective of protagnists selfish and greed and what it leads to?
how is There Will Be Blood's plot loose? It's the story of one man who is blatantly greedy and will stop at nothing to get what he wants and another man who poses as a good person but is also interested in the same thing: money.
I felt there Will Be Blood had too lose of a plot and really never made a point. However, this could of reflective of protagnists selfish and greed and what it leads to?

This is accurate to a point.

I really had no interest in the storyline...the early land settlements / oil business doings and all that. I was solely caught by the lead characters greed, his transformation as a person and how it reflected and affected those around him...especially towards his son(?) and the young priest.
Lewis's performance is clearly above anything and he is the movie.
how is There Will Be Blood's plot loose? It's the story of one man who is blatantly greedy and will stop at nothing to get what he wants and another man who poses as a good person but is also interested in the same thing: money.

Well yes, but the way it was organized made it stray at times. The characters were rich, but the story really never reached much of a climax leaving me somewhat dry. The consistent flow and mood of the movie was a little too relentless and boring.
I don't know. I think the film's structure was perfect. Everything in the film has a purpose. The first 15 minutes alone define Daniel's character perfectly. The guy hauls himself out of a mine shaft and into town with a broken leg for a few measly pieces of ore. He adopts his co-worker's kid, in what seems to be a kindhearted gesture out of concern for the child, but it's later revealed that taking the child was just to appear as a family man.

The conclusion is that even though Eli's character was supposedly a moral person, it's his dishonesty and greed that lead to his downfall. Daniel, in true evil fashion, as contemptible as he is, he is bigger, stronger, meaner and smarter. He wins because he is the one nature favors, and that's life. Hence why there are no character arcs or development. Because in reality, more often than not when it comes to money, people don't change, and if they do, it's sometimes for the worse.

how exactly does one 'watch movies intellectually'?! i hate phrases like that. that said i think any tweak to the structure of TWBB would make it less fulfilling on any level you could care to name. thing's basically citizen kane corrupted by the treasure of the sierra madre, and there's logic behind every narrative step. it's only directionless in the way it gives an impression of bugs thrashing about in the dust sinking more and more with every movement, but that's where its power lies, it's strange and wild and hypnotic and i can't imagine changing it in a way that wouldn't detract from that overall experience.
So I finally saw Avatar in IMAX 3D, and HOLY FUCKING SHIT, did I just get teleported to another planet for 2 and half hours and 17 dollars?
how exactly does one 'watch movies intellectually'?! i hate phrases like that...

I think if you use your brain, you will understand this statement. It might be more aptly stated something like, "watching movies at a more superficially critical level". Some people process things on a much simpler level. They base their enjoyment of movies simply on how much fun they had watching it, and do not look any further for meaning or style or whatever. Then when those people see people praising a movie they disliked or didn't understand, and dissing a movie they enjoyed, all the time using lofty words and concepts, they feel they must be watching a movie less intelligently.

Surely you understood that. So what is it that you really dislike? Maybe, people watching movies less intelligently? :)

I tend to be a mid-intelligent movie watcher.
just realized , for the millionth time, how incredible Tarkovsky is. I think hes the only film maker whos silence could really make me cry

greatest of them all. people talk about certain movies being like poetry but really compared to tarkovsky they're all lumbering and amateurish in that regard.

I think if you use your brain, you will understand this statement. It might be more aptly stated something like, "watching movies at a more superficially critical level". Some people process things on a much simpler level. They base their enjoyment of movies simply on how much fun they had watching it, and do not look any further for meaning or style or whatever. Then when those people see people praising a movie they disliked or didn't understand, and dissing a movie they enjoyed, all the time using lofty words and concepts, they feel they must be watching a movie less intelligently.

Surely you understood that. So what is it that you really dislike? Maybe, people watching movies less intelligently? :)

I tend to be a mid-intelligent movie watcher.

i did understand it i suppose. reason i don't like the phrase is 'cause i watch movies for fun or emotional satisfaction like everybody else, all the *meaning* and *concepts* stuff tends to come only when i'm trying to analyse just why i was so satisfied/dissatisfied. i don't like the idea of people going into movies and dismissing their gut emotional response in order to try and approach it *objectively* or purely in terms of ideas or something, which is what that phrase sort of implies to me. the gut reaction is everything for me.
...then I think that you, and "they", watch movies the same. It's just that they may not look any further than that gut. Plus, with more exposure, a more diverse diet, and a more honed sense of taste, you will see more during your first exposure than some others will. It's like the guy who is happy with Budweiser vs the guy who is always trying different beers. Guy 2 is developing more awareness in his sense of taste, as it relates to beer. Guy 1 may be happy with Budwater his whole life, which guy 2 cannot fathom, though he himself may once have felt the same.
...then I think that you, and "they", watch movies the same. It's just that they may not look any further than that gut. Plus, with more exposure, a more diverse diet, and a more honed sense of taste, you will see more during your first exposure than some others will. It's like the guy who is happy with Budweiser vs the guy who is always trying different beers. Guy 2 is developing more awareness in his sense of taste, as it relates to beer. Guy 1 may be happy with Budwater his whole life, which guy 2 cannot fathom, though he himself may once have felt the same.


i have a feeling mirror is better than stalker even though i preferred stalker last time i saw both.

Amazing movie, a must see. 100% torture porn satisfaction, with the most extreme undertones of black comedy ever. Loved it!