The Official Movie Thread

Watched Youth In Revolt last night, and I was kind of disappointed. I usually like Michael Cera movies, but his performance was super fucking understated for the most part (more than his usually are!!!) and I just couldn't get behind it very much.

The chick he was after was definitely hot tho
I was just reading a review of "The Terminator" on IMDB and the guy give you a great part at the end. Someone like Nick might like Terminator more for it's sorta horror/thriller feel. Someone might like Terminator 2 Judgement Day more because it's more of a fun movie.
Me and a bunch of friends watched that last semester and it was phenomenal. It's actually the last installment in a trilogy, with the first two films being The Legend of my pals Charley and The Soul of my pals Charley. Check it out:

Haha I had no idea there were two other films that went along with it, cool stuff :kickass: (and funny as hell)
T2 is far more popular and most people I know liked it better.
This is true and I've never understood it. Terminator to me is the best 80s action movie and that is the best decade for action movies. It is so much more interesting to see a human desperately struggle to stop what he quite explicitly calls an unstoppable machine. The best scene is when Arnold absolutely destroys the entire police station. It's brilliant because it takes a place of certain safety and completely reverses it. Seeing two metal dudes shoot bullets at each other just isn't the same, even if one is goopy. Plus that kid is really annoying.

That said, the scene where they freeze the goopy dude and blow him up is awesome.
This is true and I've never understood it. Terminator to me is the best 80s action movie and that is the best decade for action movies. It is so much more interesting to see a human desperately struggle to stop what he quite explicitly calls an unstoppable machine. The best scene is when Arnold absolutely destroys the entire police station. It's brilliant because it takes a place of certain safety and completely reverses it. Seeing two metal dudes shoot bullets at each other just isn't the same, even if one is goopy. Plus that kid is really annoying.

Exactly what I was going to say. It is far more interesting as a concept, but T2 has many epic moments which remind me of my childhood with all the badassery and catchphrases.

With that in mind, I don't know why people shit so much on T4. I actually liked it.

This was the only video that I could find that had "the scene"

Never-mind the music; 2:35 is visually aesthetic

Recently I watched Gregg Araki's Three Bewildered People in the Night which I would now say is among my all-time favourite films. It was only made for $5000 I think.
I just got done watching this documentary Dear Zachary. I had to watch it twice in a row just to unconfuse myself. It was a great, but sad and somewhat disturbing documentary.
I just got done watching Day Breakers and I was very disappointed. I didn't like it at all and I believe I wasted my time.

This movie was quite awful.

Get into the sun and then cover up right before it kills you and then your heart starts beating again. A magical cure then starts flowing through your veins.

What. the. Fuck.

And i dont care if I just ruined the ending... because it's so stupid that you just shouldnt watch it. It's not funny bad, it's just bad.
Generally speaking, zombie movies are awful. I still say the original Night of the Living Dead was the best one, and it's only gone rapidly downhill since.