The Official Movie Thread

I really like this movie, I can see were Silent Hill got some of its inspiration.

Jacob's Ladder perfected that head-shake method where they film an actor moving his head from side to side or front to back and then speed up the film, making it look as though the person is fucking going insane. Really creepy stuff.
Destricted - The inclusion of Larry Clark and Gaspar Noe led me to this. It's basically 8 short films on a few directors view on pornography. Most of it misses or is just weird. Only a couple were interesting and I *think* I got what Gaspar was trying to say in his. Anyway, it's no holds barred explicit sex, of which better can be found elsewhere.
Nightmare On Elm Street (2010) - Meeehhhh. Started out okay but it seemed like the wheels really came off in the second and third acts. It's almost like the director had no more material or ideas after most everyone was killed off early. Didn't like the new Freddy either. His mouth moved like an old puppet. He did have a few decent lines but really, no one will be able to replace the original.

pretty much... it was really dull.
watched Tarkovsky's first film last night, Ivan's Childhood. It wasn't bad. It was the most straightforward Tarkovsky film I've seen haha. It was an interesting war film, and I could really appreciate some of the camera work. Nothing too amazing, but it was worth checking out
Just got back from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, pt. 1. I never really cared for the movie adaptations, I never really got anything out of them that I didn't get out of the books, but I liked this one. Especially the first half. I loved the part with the break-in into the Ministry of Magic, the Nazi imagery and the priceless expressions of the actors who played the random goons they shapeshifted into.

One thing that disappointed me about both this and the last movie, was how little focus there was on the character of Dumbledore. It's been a while since I read the books and I don't remember them all that well, especially the last two which are the only ones I haven't reread ad nauseum, but I recall Dumbledore being especially important in the last two as he was portrayed in a very different light. The sixth book depicted him as much more incompetent than in the previous books, I recall finding this very distressing and in retrospect one of the most fascinating aspects of that overall very mediocre book. The final book further deconstructed this legendary genius and it made Harry seem that much more forsaken until everything fell into place towards the end. Maybe I'm missing something, maybe I'm remembering things wrong, but I find the movies lacking this. Well, there's still one more to go, maybe it will place more focus on Dumbledore.
Wall Street 2 was very good. possibly a little better than the first. Gordon Gekko rules! pretty solid performance from Lebouf too.
Splice - Not bad but seems like the writers set themselves up for a "get out of jail free" card with the ending. It wants to be smart and had the opportunity to do so, but I thought it copped out. I could have forgiven this if it also had a higher body count.
I'm itching to see the sequel as well.

Predators - Liked this quite a bit. Hard to picture Adrien Brody as a badass after seeing The Pianist but he did pretty good. My only complaint is that the soundtrack is soft. With all the gunfire and explosions, my room should have been melting but it just didn't have the punch.
Trying to find a good price for Demon Seed right now.

I fucking love Demon Seed:

Trailer is exactly what you would expect from something on the cusp of the 80's (movie is from 1977)

This is a better video:
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