The Official Movie Thread

Saw Harry Potter and then double dipped into Unstoppable. Harry Potter was really good, very dark and the action was awesome. But it toned down in the second half. I can never say anything bad about Potter movie, I started reading the series when I was in kindergarten and that was a big part of my childhood, I actually looked alot like harry potter back in the day..I had the same boy haircut and I had a scar on my forehead from a bike accident :lol: my nickname was harry potter.....

anyways, yeah good flick, can't wait for the last one.

Unstoppable was pretty tight, gotta love denzel. it seems really fast paced...obviously though because they're on a fucking unstoppable train. but the end just kind of came and went. decent flick though, I don't think I've gone to the movies and just seen one in years :lol:


Anyone seen any of these Witchcraft movies? Theres 13 in all, and there all awesomely bad in every way possible but there so fun to watch. Definitely so bad it's good material. Anyway part 5's real fun. The bad guy looks like Dio.
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Saw 'The Last Excorcism' on the weekend.I went into the cinema hoping beyond hope that it was gonna be good but alas,twas shit.The fake doco style reached it's zenith with 'Cannibal Holocaust'.Why oh why can't they make decent horror films anymore.
Trying to find a good price for Demon Seed right now.

I fucking love Demon Seed:

Trailer is exactly what you would expect from something on the cusp of the 80's (movie is from 1977)

This is a better video:

lol what the fuck did you make me just watch. What a creepy movie, just creepy!
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Syriana - I thought Cloony and Damon did a good job but this was confusing as balls for me. This is one where I was looking for them to dumb it down a little bit for me or praying for that one scene of exposition where everything is explained in a tidy package.
Noomi Rapace is rumored to be up for the part of Ripley in Ridley Scott's Alien-prequel. I would love to see that, as I've always liked Noomi even though I've never liked any movies she's been in.
Noomi Rapace is rumored to be up for the part of Ripley in Ridley Scott's Alien-prequel. I would love to see that, as I've always liked Noomi even though I've never liked any movies she's been in.

yeah I heard about that. I think she'd be perfect for it
So far I think Dragon Tattoo and Played With Fire have both been good.

Angel-A - Warm French black and white flick. Nicely shot. A lot of dialogue requiring fast reading at times but overall it was pretty good.

Ha! I was watching Angel-A the other day. Pretty good movie. My French is a little bit weak, so i had to read the Arabic subtitles, but i got the whole idea of the movie.