The Official Movie Thread

Saw The Lost Battalion. World War I movie about an American Battalion fighting for its life in the Argonne Forest.

Stalag 17 - Classic movie about WW II POWs. I highly recommend it.
:lol: Well Alan Rickman deserves best supporting actor for his performance in the last one.

I just saw the last one on Monday and I have to say I'm confused. After comments on this forum I was paying close attention to Rickman's performance, and I simply don't see what was so stellar about it. Perhaps someone can shed some light on this.
Saw Red Dawn a couple days ago. Pretty good stuff. I like how people start to die in the first couple minutes. The main dude was hot as hell, too. Funnily enough the only character that I saw as evil was the father of Sheen and the sexy dude. The whole "Avenge me!" thing was remarkably narcissistic, pushing his children to their eventual death, and the rest of the concentration coversation made him look like a sociopath. I also found it odd that the children were all "Where's dad? Where's dad?" and once they found him it took them several minutes to ask "Oh yeah, we have a mom too. She around?" That the kids forced the other guy to drink the deer blood probably means that the dad was a violent sociopath to, with them learning such behavior only through their own experiences. Glad he died, the sick fuck.
The Boondock Saints 2 was so disappointing. Man, it's really a shame that it sucked, the first one was good.
The Hurt Locker was interesting.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World was every enjoyable. It's fast and funny and has cool visuals, though the story wasn't much.
Infernal Affairs - Movie on which The Departed was based. It's good but not as hard hitting or violent as The Departed. Kinda expected the original to outshine the remake but we trumped them with Scorsese.

Agreed, Scorcese made the superior version.