The Official Movie Thread

Abduction wasn't that great. It started out slow, got real interesting, then just collapsed into a mess of chase scenes, little new information, and awkwardly delivered lines.

Go see Contagion instead.
I thought Contagion sucked. Too many disparate plotlines, actors felt like they were being held at gunpoint to act sometimes and overall very sloppy with a repetitive soundtrack.
The Road. A post-apocalyptic film starring Viggo Mortenson. A very good movie, but very dark and at times emotionally difficult to watch.
I'm watching Something Borrowed with my family. It is a total chick flick cliche. I hate the stupid moments where everything gets quiet, piano music starts playing, and then two of the main characters proclaim their love in some way.
Moneyball was really good. The only criticism I have of it is it didn't shed any light at all on the other key parts of that team that were instrumental to it's success.
I thought Contagion sucked. Too many disparate plotlines, actors felt like they were being held at gunpoint to act sometimes and overall very sloppy with a repetitive soundtrack.

My thoughts were: when a director decides to tackle a movie with such a multifaceted and dense topic, I feel that there are two ways to approach it:

1. the "human" way (i.e. follow a single character, or very few characters, through the turbulence and depict what happens to him/her/them)

2. the "anti-human" way (i.e. attempt to represent the entire catastrophe, either removed from a humanist viewpoint or through so many separate human points of view, in an almost random fashion, that the event transcends the human realm and becomes something historical)

The second way is what Soderbergh tried to do; and while he might not have succeeded on all fronts, I think he did a fairly good job of representing something so elusive while maintaining a partially human aspect. His medium dictates a narrative, but global pandemics are inherently non-narrativistic. I applaud him for trying to place a narrative framework over an event that doesn't abide by such laws.

This was awsome!
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope - Blu Ray version. Not to sound cliche but I do hate what Lucas added to it. The cgi sticks out like a sore thumb and distracts. I haven't seen these in a very long time and the look of the film is so much more organic than I had remembered.

Super - Kinda like Kick Ass. Not sure which one is darker/bloodier but right now I'd have to say this one.
Leprechaun (1993) - You either love it or hate it. I always found it to be great fun. Admittedly it can get annoying at times, but it never takes itself seriously and niether should you. Plus where else are you going to see someone get killed with a pogo stick? Lots of close up's of Jennifer Anistion's ass too. Warwick Davis was the perfect choice for the role. I nostalgia'd pretty hard when I put the VHS in and the ad for the 1-900 number you could call back in the day to try and win cool prizes came on.
I'm curious as well since Lucas wasn't the director for Empire Strikes Back, was he not allowed to fuck with it as much as the others?
Leprechaun (1993) - You either love it or hate it. I always found it to be great fun. Admittedly it can get annoying at times, but it never takes itself seriously and niether should you. Plus where else are you going to see someone get killed with a pogo stick? Lots of close up's of Jennifer Anistion's ass too. Warwick Davis was the perfect choice for the role. I nostalgia'd pretty hard when I put the VHS in and the ad for the 1-900 number you could call back in the day to try and win cool prizes came on.

She's so hawt in that movie. It's ridiculous. I've watched it atleast 10 times for no other reason than her in jean shorts. FUCK
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon - WAY better than the second. Finally gave The Beef some teeth instead of the usual awkward character. New "hottie" was decent. Shockwave was a bad ass.

I'm going to cave in and watch this, this weekend.

Does anyone agree with me that the name "Dark of the Moon" is incredibly retarded sounding?