The Official Movie Thread

je viens de voir ce film. c'etait genial. l'actrice etait vraiment jolie et seduisant. elle avait de seins mignons.

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Man Bites Dog (1992) - I think at this point I could probably recite the entite movie verbatim in French. Or at least watch it without the subtitles. One of my all time favorites. It works on soooo many levels, as a mockumentary, black comedy, as social commentary and so on and so forth. The humor couldn't get any darker. Ben Poelvoorde is the man.

darkest comedy I've ever seen. My favorite line is, "We buried him facing East of course"...kills me
I watched the entire Nightmare on Elm Street series except the remake and Freddy vs. Jason recently. Dream Warriors is fucking amazing.
Anyone know a good obscure movie that will make me question every facet of existence while entertaining me?

The Collected Shorts of Jan Svankmajer Vol 2 - Eh. Lots of claymation and stop motion stuff, mostly silent. Not my style although it's easy to respect the cinematography.

I'm a huge fan of claymation, and Jan Svankmajer is pretty much the godfather. If you want something modern with dialogue and more fucked up/bizarre, check out "We Are the Strange"
Fast Five - Seemed like less driving than the other ones. Was okay.

The Tree of Life - Gorgeous movie. I kinda got it but mostly didn't. This is one of those that you have to sit on a while.

The Crow - Blu-ray. Holds up pretty well for its age. I've always been underwhelmed with the final fight and Brandon's skills being ignored almost throughout.
just saw Twilight: Breaking Dawn. a lot of cringing at the awkward acting as expected. many lulz were had
I was waiting for a movie to start in a movie theater once, and I walked into a showing of Twilight Saga: Eclipse. It was the stupidest couple minutes of cinema I had ever seen, and it went something like this.

Inside of the woods.

Enter Bella and Edward

Edward: Are you going to tell Jacob about the wedding?
Bella: No. I think he needs to clear his head.

Enter Jacob, shirtless, and (possibly) shiny from oil or something

Jacob: Who needs to clear his head?

I laughed so loud that I bet every single person in the theater was glaring at me.
Daniel Day Lewis (not in make-up) as Abraham Lincoln
