The Official Movie Thread

Ms. 45 is the panicle of the rape/revenge subgenre for me. Zoe Lund owns it without saying one fucking word for the entire film. Those eyes! The massacre at the Halloween party is so great. If its not the slow motion that sells it than its the funky music. Hell the entire score is great. I especially love the sax notes that play right before she's about to blast someone. Essential Ferrara.
Ms. 45 is the panicle of the rape/revenge subgenre for me. Zoe Lund owns it without saying one fucking word for the entire film. Those eyes! The massacre at the Halloween party is so great. If its not the slow motion that sells it than its the funky music. Hell the entire score is great. I especially love the sax notes that play right before she's about to blast someone. Essential Ferrara.

Been meaning to check this one out.

Recently saw The Village and was surprised by how much I liked it. Far better than The Sixth Sense.
Stephen King and George A. Romero should have did a Creepshow 3, love these movies.


I rather enjoyed The Ninth Gate. Very well made imo. I'm not sure I see why it's seen as a flawed film. It's pretty damn good. 8/10

Eyes Wide Shut was brilliant. Tbh I reckon this kind of things happens a lot in elite circles, but usually with gay peadophilia involved. 8/10
Saw The Martian this weekend. I actually thought it was pretty good. Lots of shit happens, which should have made the narrative absolutely unwieldy; but I thought they handled everything else, despite the big time jumps.
Saw The Martian this weekend. I actually thought it was pretty good. Lots of shit happens, which should have made the narrative absolutely unwieldy; but I thought they handled everything else, despite the big time jumps.

And it's good that most of the science was pretty spot-on.
That one is good?

it's very strange. cormac mccarthy wrote the screenplay. it reminded me a bit of COSMOPOLIS for some reason, certain similarities in terms of theme and knowingly artificial dialogue etc, although i don't love it nearly as much as that. i'm always fascinated by movies that ostensibly seem like they might be generic hollywood shit but just go off in their own completely idiosyncratic direction though.