The Official Movie Thread

So anyone watch The Voices? It's about Ryan Reynolds (don't run on that, I swear it's not bad) playing a troubled young man with a mental disorder which is never specifically named. While not on his medication, his animals talk to him, his dog a voice of reason and his cat, the voice of chaos.

It's fairly funny and I didn't hate Ryan Reynolds in it which is a rarity. I feel like it also draws some parallels to Vampire's Kiss as well, having randomly watched them close together. Maybe as an homage though, instead of a blatant cancerous remake.
ya i'm gonna be watching it this week sometime, looks great. i love movies that take maligned mainstream comic actors and throw them into some weirder shit without actually altering their comic persona all that much (see PUNCH DRUNK LOVE, OBSERVE & REPORT, etc)
Saw The Hateful Eight last week, it was ok but it didn't impress me as much as the hype let me to believe it would.
i wouldn't say it's that hyped for a tarantino movie. reactions seem more mixed than usual if anything. i agree though, i like it but it's probably my least favourite tarantino. the absence of sally menke is increasingly glaring, dude has completely lost all sense of economy.
I thought it was fantastic. It wasn't anything mindblowing, but it was very enjoyable with the second half being ridiculously over the top. It's also interesting when you compare it with The Thing, which Tarantino said was a direct influence on the film, and it's easy to see how.
i really think it could've been the length of RESERVOIR DOGS (as in, an hour shorter) and lost nothing of note if he'd bothered to edit it properly. that's my main gripe, it really meanders at times and it's way too expository. beyond that, there's also a kind of pretentiousness in general that suited his previous two films better than what is at base just a nasty, exploitative little carpenter/hawks knock-off. like, he insists on gesturing toward all these political themes but i didn't get the impression this was really engaging on that level--or at least i can't parse what he's up to, though i do find it fascinating. there are also more passages where he comes across like a posing tryhard than usual. still, i'm a big tarantino fan so when i say it may be my least favourite of his that really isn't an insult at all.
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I also thought it was too long and really quite boring in parts. It felt messy, and the lighting in the Haberdashery looked fake. I kept thinking that it felt like he's got Coen brothers envy and he tried to make a movie with a similar feel to theirs but I'm not sure if that's just my bias or not. I enjoyed Django much more because it was so much more over the top and that's where Tarantino excels.
I agree he went full new hollywood with explaining everything, and was a tad too long, but not sure I read anything about the politics of it all. Is the Thing a reference just because of the distrust of others? Not sure that's a legitimate comparison to the greatest film ever made!!!!!
i think that only applies to blockbusters, i've watched a ton of new movies this last couple months and they've been mostly 90-110 mins, but it seems like the big mainstream cinematic events have to be over 2 hours for legitimacy or something. i have nothing against long films when they actually justify being long, but they often don't.

i love DEATH PROOF also. again it isn't one of his strongest though.

THE HATEFUL EIGHT doesn't exactly wear comparisons to THE THING very well, but it's a stated influence. it follows a similar structure with similar feelings of paranoia, the same star and a similar isolated snowy setting. unused parts of the THE THING soundtrack were also cribbed for the score.
I liked Eureka, got recommended it on here. It was pretty great overall.

The Lair of the White Worm was also very good, especially after the first 1/3.