The Official Movie Thread

Re-watched The Elephant Man last night, and can't get why people are so in love with it. Awesome film, but better than the other Lynch? I can't's strictly un-Lynchian imo but a good film nevertheless.
Re-watched The Elephant Man last night, and can't get why people are so in love with it. Awesome film, but better than the other Lynch? I can't's strictly un-Lynchian imo but a good film nevertheless.

his worst movie (aside from possibly DUNE which i haven't seen). still quite like it though.
It's definitely the most un-Lynchian when compared with the rest of his films, but it's still pretty good. Anthony Hopkins is great in it, and the scene where Merrick lays down gets the tears everytime
I recently saw the extended version of Dune. Basically, I'd say that it is a odd little curio. It doesn't work perfectly, but it's still ok as it is really. It's not very hollywood, basically. It's complicated and not everything is explained and there are few or even no tropes. It's more watchable than a lot of other stuff like that though. I would say I liked it.
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I recently saw the extended version of Dune. Basically, I'd say that it is a odd little curio. It doesn't work perfectly, but it's still ok as it is really. It's not very hollywood, basically. It's complicated and not everything is explained and there are few or even no tropes. It's more watchable than a lot of other stuff like that though. I would say I liked it.
Lynch actually disowned that version. The closest to his "preferred" (used very loosely) cut is the one that originally made it to theaters. Interestingly, he's been approached a few times to assemble a directors cut but has refused. I like Dune but like I said before in this very thread, I think ultimately Lynch discovered at some point during the filming that, along with not having final cut, epic sci-fi just wasn't his stock and trade. Its still an interesting film though, although it probably seems a bit more awkward in the greater context of Lynch's entire filmography being sandwiched in between The Elephant Man and Blue Velvet.

I'd also wager that The Straight Story is the one film of his that stands out the most from his more "signature" films.

Regarding The Witch, I read this article earlier: This is why we can’t have nice things: “The Witch” and horror fandom’s gatekeepers.

I find myself torn. On one hand, I agree that there are people out there with the mentality he describes but there are people like that in virtually every area of fandom. See the mentality of being a metalhead thread. On the other, a good chunk of that just read like bitching and moaning because some people don't like the same films as he does.
editing 'cause my original post was bollocks.

i can imagine this exact article being written about how old school metalheads' idea of good/real/true metal is so narrow that it doesn't include bands who try to do something original and clever with the genre. personally i just don't give a shit if something is horror, or if something is metal, so long as it's good, but a lot of stuff that tries to borrow from horror or metal without being steeped in its history tends to be really shallow and gimmicky, even if it's made by intelligent people. always has, always will. same applies to horror movies. CABIN IN THE WOODS comes to mind.

i find art snobs more annoying than anti-intellectuals but both can fuck off. fortunately i think movie culture strikes a better balance between those two extremes than any other artform culture these days.

FWIW i found CRIMSON PEAK underrated, IT FOLLOWS and THE BABADOOK overrated, and would give about a 7/10 to all three. all well worth watching but i wouldn't lose any sleep if you haven't seen them. they're also all clearly horror films IMO but who cares
Just got back from seeing Deadpool.

Besides the retardedly/randomly overpowered version of Angel Dust and some corny references I really enjoyed it.

My wife, without even knowing who Colossus was, was like how the fuck is she fighting him? Best I could come up with is... 'Well, she shouldn't be"

Fun movie for sure though, I hope it opens up super hero movies to being R rated, and they aren't going to puss out and make a pg sequel.
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Very NSFW trailer for Ballad in Blood, the NEW film from Ruggero Deodato of Cannibal Holocaust and The House on the Edge of the Park infamy! His first horror movie in 23 years! Its looks positively fucked. Bring it. Hopefully this goes far and gets other Italian masters like Sergio Martino and Umberto Lenzi to get some new stuff going. With all the bullshit post-modernist "homage" films aping the classic Italian style its time the maestro's show the kids how its really done.

Speaking of homage bullshit, I'm probably the only one who cares shit but nonetheless this really bothered me, For the record, the new Cannon Films is not the same as The Cannon Group.
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