The Official Movie Thread

I actually quite enjoyed the first five, minus Tokyo Drift which was shit. And I don't even like cars lmao.
FWIW lin is generally regarded as excellent by tasteful folks in my experience and is said to have elevated the FURIOUS films he directed. i haven't seen them though.

and yeah the latest RIDDICK was really strange and cool in spots, if completely asinine the other half of the time. the quiet, sparse, process-driven opening is ace and totally unexpected, and that scene with the box should go down in legend!
Just saw Hillary's america. Great movie. I am even more mad than before about the corruption and methods of control imposed upon Americans by the democrats, Obama and that witch. I advise everyone go watch it. Huge eye-opener. High production value too
Just saw Hillary's america. Great movie. I am even more mad than before about the corruption and methods of control imposed upon Americans by the democrats, Obama and that witch. I advise everyone go watch it. Huge eye-opener. High production value too

Did you watch 2016: Obama's America? It was spectacularly wrong about everything.
Did you watch 2016: Obama's America? It was spectacularly wrong about everything.
No i was not that much into politics back then (although i was hoping Romney would win) but i will. There was actually a little recap of Obama's America in Hillary's America and it seems a lot of the stuff in the former came true
No i was not that much into politics back then but i will. There was actually a little recap of Obama's America in Hillary's America and it seems a lot of the stuff in the former came true

It doesn't surprise me that D'Souza would spin it that way; he has almost no integrity. The film (as I remember it) was entirely based on Obama's character and background, as opposed to his policies. The central thesis was that Obama was on a secret personal quest to dismantle America's colonial apparatus for reasons somehow bound up with the death of his father (or something). It was fun to watch, but it was pure speculation intended to terrify people into voting Republican.
He is kinda fun to watch, but in the same way Michael Moore is fun to watch. I agree with much of what Michael Moore says, but the way he goes about proving his point is condescending and dishonest. I'm pretty sure I'd feel the same way about Dinesh if I was a Reaganite - liking the conclusion, but disliking how he gets there.
And I'm rejecting your point on two levels:

Michael Moore is a hack even among people on his side (left).
Michael Moore makes/has made many claims which have been debunked and not just by people on the right.

Dinesh doesn't fall into these two flaws and unless you're willing to disprove something he's asserted, his hack characterisation is merely subjective, which is fine, but worth less than a grain of salt.
The reason Michael Moore attracts so much criticism from the left is because the left is far more prone to in-fighting than the right (as you observed in the news thread). That's not a defense of him - he is a hack - I'm just saying that the left are more likely to call out a hack on their own side.

As to DInesh D'Souza, I've already explained in my criticism of 2016: Obama's America why I think he lacks integrity/credibility. It was pure character assassination and contained very little in the way of evidence or reasoned criticism, just speculation as to motivations and state of mind of a man he clearly knows very little about, with the specific objective of sowing fear and mistrust.