The Official Movie Thread

That's a pretty crappy criticism in and of itself, but if it works for you...

Anyway, I decided to rewatch Prometheus to see if my previous opinion has or will change, so far I doubt it. Visually quite nice but in every other area? For the most part, mundane in the extreme.

Fairly terrible script and a forgettable cast, excusing one or two of them.
I saw it at the cinema and enjoyed it. I was pretty fucked up though and one of the people I went with started groping me so I dunno if that altered my perception of it.

It's Oscar worthy for looks alone, even if the story is bollocks.
Bourne sucked. Doesn't Hollywood have a more interesting plotline than "the government is watching you through an app" anymore?
Lolwut? Once again, commenting on shit that you clearly seem to know nothing about. Absolutely hilarious.

Oh but i forgot, you get your info on American politics and news from bill maher :lol:

Jesus christ, every time you enter a thread the intelligence/maturity level of the discussion drops palpably. The left is more prone to in-fighting than the right (which is a criticism btw, so God knows why you're arguing with it, unless you're just being a jackass), and very few people on either side of the political divide would disagree with that. My even mentioning it was a direct reference to Cassette saying something similar in another thread.
@Internally Deformed Dude you are honestly disconnected from reality. The right has been divided and split for years now. "In-fighting" is basically one of the first things that comes to peoples minds when they think of the right. God, what a fuckin' clueless nitwit. It just irritates me that you constantly comment on things that you seem to know jack shit about. I'm starting to think you're nothing more than an attention hungry whore.

oh and lol at you thinking i shouldn't say anything because it's criticism of the left. Lol, that says a lot about your thought process.
@Internally Deformed Dude you are honestly disconnected from reality. The right has been divided and split for years now. "In-fighting" is basically one of the first things that comes to peoples minds when they think of the right. God, what a fuckin' clueless nitwit. It just irritates me that you constantly comment on things that you seem to know jack shit about. I'm starting to think you're nothing more than an attention hungry whore.

Everyone has a slightly different view on politics, so there's bound to be disagreement on both sides of the political spectrum. There's nowhere near the same level of fractious, idealistic nitpicking on the right as on the left though - both right and left wing commentators concede that this is an inherent flaw in socialist/liberal thinking and practice. And as for the right (at least in America), the very fact that most of the republican party elite has gotten behind Trump despite having viciously attacked him only a few months ago is living, breathing proof that you're speaking out of your arse once again.

oh and lol at you thinking i shouldn't say anything because it's criticism of the left. Lol, that says a lot about your thought process.

Me suspecting you of irrational partisanism? Perish the thought.
Me suspecting you of irrational partisanism? Perish the thought.

I'm not even a Republican. But you spouting nonsense and coming to your own conclusions has become the norm ... so i'm not surprised. I would advise you to go and have a good look through our news thread before accusing me of being "partisan". You my friend, are the definition of a clueless simpleton.

And I'm not even gonna bother echoing myself again in response to the rest of your post. You are 100% wrong. I can link you to countless articles and pages that would have you slapping yourself. But Like i said, you'll clearly argue anything ... so that would be a waste of my time.
I'm not even a Republican. But you spouting nonsense and coming to your own conclusions has become the norm ... so i'm not surprised. I would advise you to go and have a good look through our news thread before accusing me of being "partisan". You my friend, are the definition of a clueless simpleton.

And I'm not even gonna bother echoing myself again in response to the rest of your post. You are 100% wrong. I can link you to countless articles and pages that would have you slapping yourself. But Like i said, you'll clearly argue anything ... so that would be a waste of my time.

Translation: I could provide evidence to support my argument, but there isn't any so I'm just going to insult you instead.
but there isn't any


I've linked plenty or articles in previous arguments, and you clearly showcased your ignorance and hard-headedness by constantly ignoring them. So why the fuck should i waste my time again? You do know how to use google search, right? Just type in Republican part dived/split or something along those lines and than proceed to slap yourself. And considering where you get your news(*NEW RULES*) from, I'm not surprised that you seem to be so clueless on the subject.,+in+fighting&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=republican+party,+infighting,+in+fighting&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=republican+party,+divided

You've been wrong on just about every argument you have had with everyone here, but not once have you come out and admitted to being wrong. Very telling. Maybe i should just stop wasting my time with a simp such as yourself.