The Official Movie Thread

You do know how to use google search, right? Just type in Republican part dived/split or something along those lines and than proceed to slap yourself.

Yeah, I guess I would have to slap myself if my argument was that there is no such thing as in-fighting in right wing politics. What you're failing to grasp (failing to grasp seems to be consistent theme with your thinking) is that my statement was comparative - what I'm saying is that there's more in-fighting and internal bickering on the left than on the right.

Simply googling "in-fighting on the right" and posting links to that doesn't constitute evidence to the contrary any more than my googling "black and white spotted cat" and sending the link to you would prove that there are more black and white spotted cats than there are non black and white spotted cats.

So evidence, or gtfo.
sad, so clicking on any of those article that pop up from the search links i posted are not evidence to you? WOW. Someone needs to give you a fucking crown already. Sad, truly sad.

In order to even to let you know why your last post proved nothing I had to explain a basic logical principle to you in the same way I would had to have done when talking to a three year old. And what's worse is you still don't get it.
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Ah. Well yeah, if we're talking Prometheus then it's a pretty split opinion. I love it visually and I love the performances of specifically Noomi Repace, Charlize Theron and Michael Fassbender.

I really love how Michael Fessbender's character wants to be Peter O'Toole. :D

But overall, shitty film.
Prometheus is a conceptually interesting film that fails to execute. When I first saw it I wrote a piece trying to salvage it somewhat, mainly arguing that its narrative flaws actually stem from the complexity of its conceptual interests. I'm not sure I'm as convinced as I was back when I wrote it, but I do think the film's reach exceeded its grasp.

Anyway, here's a link to my piece if anyone's interested. Forgive the bloated writing style, this was back when I was reading way too much Žižek (also forgive the white-on-black text):
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Went to see Jason Bourne a few days ago. I thought it was cool, not familiar with these movies. Usually there's only a few people in each theater. It was packed. I had to sit directly in the front, not doing that shit again.
i remember i had to sit all the way at the front left after arriving late to INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS and ended up with a cricked neck for a month.

i haven't seen the new one but IDENTITY is the best (and first) of the other bourne movies IMO so check that one out.
I recently watched Starship Troopers two days ago. I didn't like it that much. Sure, a lot of the effects work is truly impressive but it really does butcher the novel. I know that the books usually tend to be better than their adaptations but the disparity in this case is quite massive. One of my largest issues with it has to be that Verhoeven insists that his film is a satire of Heinlein's ideals but how would he know anything about them if he only read two chapters of the damn book? At least show enough care to have a full knowledge of the source material, Paul!
i thought ender's game was shitty, and even moreso when i read about where it differed from the book.

yeah i got 3/10 in that quiz, also from guesswork.

recently finished watching all the major cassavetes movies. LOVE STREAMS, WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE and HUSBANDS are the three i really love, but there wasn't a weak film in the bunch. edit: forgot MINNIE & MOSKOWITZ too, that's a fav
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