The Official Movie Thread


Donald Cammell, Dennis Hopper, Alejandro Jodorowsky and Kenneth Anger somewhere some place awesome in 1971. Surly the drugs were otherworldly.
Has anybody seen Blood Father or Hail Caesar? Wanting to know if they're worth getting.

Anyway, picked up some stuff in the $7 bin on my lunch break:

Play Misty For Me
The Eiger Sanction
Coogan's Bluff
Fight Club
City Of Industry
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Jacob's Ladder
Rumble Fish
The Brood
Miller's Crossing*
The Abyss*
Captain Fantastic*

*got those ones the other day

Also, is the Twin Peaks movie actually worth getting?
yeah, it's a really good film in its own right, but best to go into it without any particular expectation as pompey says. i know people who think it's lynch's best film and one of the best of its decade, although i wouldn't quite go that far myself. i imagine oblimax may wax about it when he sees this.

re: HAIL CAESAR, it's pretty much the most coen brothers thing possible; a dry, self-aware and self-contained hollywood homage which doesn't pander or savagely satirise or anything, just kinda does its own weird 'po-mo' thing that you'll either vibe on or find alienating, hard to say which. IMO it's one of the coens' weakest but i'm enough of a fanboy that i don't really mean that as an insult.
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Make no mistake, Fire Walk With Me is essential Lynch but I get some of the issues a lot of fans had with it upon its initial release and still do it seems. First off, its completely different tonally speaking from the series with the quirky nature of the show virtually absent save for a few instances. Its by far Lynch's darkest film with the exposing of the ugliness beneath the perfect suburban façade taken even further than in Blue Velvet. Plus Lynch could go even further in detailing the nastiness that Laura went through without the limitations of TV censorship and given the nature of her downfall, it was entirely appropriate to take that route. Its a legitimately terrifying and even upsetting film. A horror film in the purest sense of the word.

A lot of people were also upset that characters like Cooper, Shelly, the Log Lady, Rosenfield, ect... only had very brief appearances and Audrey was nowhere to be found. Granted it would have been nice to see more favorites from the show but its Laura's story. Also, Lynch's first cut, which was well over 4 hours long did feature more characters from the show but distribution would have been damn near impossible and Lynch himself said that the central story, again, Laura's, was starting to lose focus. The additional scenes were restored though and are available on this amazing set.

FWWM also has two of Lynch's most incredible musical moments. The first being Julee Cruise's achingly beautiful rendition of "Questions in a World of Blue" followed by the "pink room" scene which showcases Lynch's mastery of sound by having the music so loud in the mix the dialogue is subtitled. "I am the great Went... I am the muffin."
@Oblivious Maximus what is your opinion of SPRING BREAKERS out of interest?
Haven't seen it. Blonde Vanessa Hudgens in a bikini not withstanding, I always suspected it was built around a gimmick (former Disney stars playing against type behaving badly) that would wear thin rather quickly. That and the fact that James Franco annoys the piss out of me. Truth be told, I much prefer Korine when he's writing for Larry Clark.