The Official Movie Thread


Watched these 7 from your post. All worthwhile, but White of the Eye is fucking fantastic.
Incredible, isn't it? And it gives zero indication as to how nuts it eventually becomes. Looks amazing, too. That first murder scene would make Argento jealous and I love how the build-up to it is like a real estate video, showing off all the chic, very much of its time design of the house. Brilliant soundtrack as well. I listen to it often. Cammell didn't make a lot of movies but the ones he did all leave a lasting impression.

Not a film but rather a stage production directed by Lynch in 1989. Part concert, part avant garde theater, all nightmare fuel. Really a crucial part of the Lynch cannon as it pre-dates both Wild at Heart and Twin Peaks and features Nic Cage and Laura Dern in the beginning (they're not playing Sailor and Lula but their scene was clearly shot on the set of WAH), Michael J. Anderson and Julee Cruise. Pretty astonishing stuff that was only put together in a few days and features some of Lynch's most striking imagery including a guy on massive stilts dressed as a skinless deer. In his book, Lynch tells a hilarious story of how during the first performance the guy dressed as the deer tumbled into the orchestra pit so the second night (the show ran for two nights at the Brooklyn Academy of Music) as Lynch writes "The fuckin' deer wouldn't come out of his dressing room!"
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This weekend I finished rewatching the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I also watched The Dirty Dozen, Summer Magic and The Last Starfighter.
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Isn't Tarantino's only connection to the film that it was released through his distribution company? I've never seen it but it looks pretty cool.

Speaking of Tarantino, apparently Burt Reynolds was supposed to be in his new film but died before he could shoot any scenes. :(


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That happens a lot when a name director will let their name be used to sell a movie by putting "Presents" on the poser or having them be credited as a producer. Wes Craven used to do that often.
Taranteno is credited as the executive producer. And i was just reading through some other stuff and it was basically him and Bishop that made the movie happen.
in a lot of instances big names just agree to become an executive producer because they enjoyed a preview screening of the film or were friends with the director or w/e, not because they contributed to how it was made or anything, so it's usually worth researching it before giving much credit. looks like you were right in this case though.