The Official Movie Thread

i'd recommend this one, there are a few things i don't like about it but it's basically underwater TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE with a great cast, you can't not have fun with that:
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Which are your faves? Might look around online for some shit.

Outside of big name movies you already know (The Abyss, Jaws, etc.) I would check out Leviathan if you haven't seen it. The guy who was Robocop leads an ensemble cast that covers all the basics- hot chick, scumbag/goofball, nervous guy, black guy etc. Good practical special fx, good setting and atmosphere where you feel isolated with a building sense of shits about to hit the fan. Pretty much like a combination of Alien and The Thing. Watched this recently so its fresh in my head.

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RE Public Enemies:

Dunno if it was my expectations at the time of release compared with other gangster films I had seen or whether it was just that a familiarity with Mann's style these days makes it click now (or both), but I've done somewhat of a 180° on it. How did I miss all that tone, tension, atmosphere, light manipulation, great car action scenes etc?

At this moment I'd put it on par with Heat TBH. Slightly below Manhunter, Thief and Blackhat, slightly above The Insider and The Last of the Mohicans IMO.


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I'm surprised you don't consider Heat one of the best Mann movies but also glad I'm not alone in that. Where do you rank Collateral and Miami Vice?
View attachment 16620

My memories of this one range from "meh" to pretty negative.

I found that movie rather unimpressive, especially considering what I was expecting going in.

Just saw this now, looks interesting.

yeah i forgot to watch that ein trailer before but it could be cool. shane carruth's involvement is usually a good sign for me.

Agreed--he's usually quite judicious about his involvement in film projects.

And speaking of projects, apparently The Modern Ocean is on indefinite hold. I'm not surprised. Carruth is notoriously unwilling to compromise on anything, which I certainly appreciate but also find annoying when it keeps a filmmaker from completing anything...

Then again, it was something like nine years between Primer and Upstream Color, so maybe that's just how long we'll have to wait for his next film.
I'm surprised you don't consider Heat one of the best Mann movies but also glad I'm not alone in that. Where do you rank Collateral and Miami Vice?

Collateral is my favourite by Mann these days, with Blackhat very narrowly losing out and ranking as second favourite. I like Heat a lot and I kinda credit it with making me take an interest in Mann himself.

Miami Vice I plan to revisit very soon, I'm disregarding my last viewing because I was in a weird ass mood and I just came away from it feeling flat. So I can't really comment on it yet.

I found that movie rather unimpressive, especially considering what I was expecting going in.

I think I "got it" this time around. If you're going by an old opinion I'd recommend rewatching it.
Watching this classic with my kid


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Idk if you remember this @CiG but a long time ago you recommended I rewatch Terminator 2 because my opinion of T1 was much higher and my memory of T2 really foggy. Finally gave T2 a rewatch tonight.

My preference for T1 still stands. Aside from the originality argument (a boring one, I know, but the originality does give me a sense of awe when I watch it), another reason I personally enjoy T1 more is that it's so effective at articulating the horror of robotic technology. T2 undermines that theme by including a heroic robot, and by giving that robot the same physical attributes of the T1 villain. It's not that I'm totally against this idea -- T2 does an amazing job at evoking empathy toward a machine, especially in the finale -- I just find T1's pure-horror perspective much more interesting, and the villain/hero switchup pollutes my memory of T1 in an unpleasant way.
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Hard to argue with your reasoning, even though I do love T2. The Terminator's relentless pacing is one of its strongest features IMO whereas T2 is paced like an adventure movie or something. Also seeing Arnie as an absolutely ruthless antagonist is fucking amazing, The Terminator is basically perfect sci-fi horror along with Alien (*and The Thing).

I really enjoy the way it portrays the happy, poppy, dancing teenybopper 80's slamming headfirst into futuristic brutality. The scene where Arnie walks into the club and everybody is dancing around him too coked out probably to even notice his big ass gun aiming at Sarah Connor is basically analogous of what I'm talking about.

For a long ass time the original Terminator was my favourite so it's not like I don't see where you're coming from.
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