The Official Movie Thread

The MPAA is a fucking inquisition out to stuff its liberal Christian family values down the throats of as many films as it can. It's no surprise, given the fucking Walt Disney company basically controls it (along with a few other white bread studios).
I'm reminded of the controversy surrounding Kids when it was first released. The MPAA gave it an NC-17, but the film was distributed by Miramax which was owned by Disney who had a policy that forbade NC-17 rated films so the Weinstein's had to buy the rights back and release it through a one-off shell company.

What I don't get is why IFC don't just release the uncut version either straight to DVD or through a streaming service. And it's not like other movies have totally bypassed the MPAA and released films unrated before knowing it would severely limit the distribution. Let's face it, even if it was neutered beyond belief, a Von Trier film is never going to get a wide release so why go through all this headache?
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Richard Lynch is the best villain.
anyone who didn't connect with one cut should try the other, they're pretty different and both cool in their own ways. i prefer the theatrical though. most people do afaik, i think it's the 'canonical' cut, which is kind of unusual.
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theatrical cut is audioslave, director's cut is 'in the air tonight' lol

the theatrical cut is actually also a director's cut i believe, so the 'director's cut' is really just an extended version. i think the theatrical has more urgency though due to being a bit more stripped down. i might be overstating how different they are though, i've seen the theatrical a lot more recently.