The Official Movie Thread



The notion of having an entire movie shot from the perspective of one person's computer screen is actually pretty well done, and avoids gimmickry. The film also avoids the usual cliched revelations one would expect when a father retraces his daughter's online footprints.

Minus points for a wooden John Cho, a rather contrived twist, and a general lack of atmosphere.

Solid 3 stars.
i considered putting that on my 2018 wishlist but wasn't really motivated enough. i think these so-called gimmicky movies can actually feel really fresh and tapped into modern life if they're done well, but this looked a bit stupid. even the critically defended ones like unfriended are borderline too dumb for me to get on board with.
Despite the tech/social media angle, Searching is more about how little parents know about their children's lives generally (not just their online activities), something which I think holds true even pre-internet (ie Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks).

Which in turn means I don't think it had a lot to say about technology - more of a standard whodunit.
Unfriended is abhorrently bad.

it's a lame ghost story freakout with crappy jumpscares and loud ass obnoxious characters so i'm not gonna argue, but i do like it formally at least. it made me really want to see more movies told that way except with better writing. i think a smart filmmaker could use that visual language of cyberspace to get at the heart of modern day contradictions like isolation vs. connection, convenience vs. dependence, easy access to information vs. dearth of meaningful knowledge, all that stuff. i definitely think there's horror potential there, there's something inherently unnerving about sitting in front of your computer at 3am watching a movie that looks like your desktop and associates things like the skype ringtone with something nasty.
it's a lame ghost story freakout with crappy jumpscares and loud ass obnoxious characters so i'm not gonna argue, but i do like it formally at least. it made me really want to see more movies told that way except with better writing. i think a smart filmmaker could use that visual language of cyberspace to get at the heart of modern day contradictions like isolation vs. connection, convenience vs. dependence, easy access to information vs. dearth of meaningful knowledge, all that stuff.

Black Mirror is the go-to for that.
I watched The Stendhal Syndrome, I think it might be my new favourite Argento film.

What is this? Unknown?

top one is tony scott's unstoppable, bottom is the commuter. not a bad guess for the latter given it's another serra-neeson collaboration, but it resembles non-stop more than unknown. they're all pretty similar though, if you like one you'd probably like all of them.
top one is tony scott's unstoppable, bottom is the commuter. not a bad guess for the latter given it's another serra-neeson collaboration, but it resembles non-stop more than unknown. they're all pretty similar though, if you like one you'd probably like all of them.

Oh cool, I haven't actually seen Unknown (been in my shelf for ages though) so I just took a guess. I like train movies, might check those out. Reminds me I somehow don't own Under Siege 2 haha.