2019 rules. Not my favorite Sergio Martino flick but prime Italian post-apocalypsesploitation, nonetheless.
Killer fucking movie.
Annihilation was pretty fucked up and awesome
i have been a superhero dork since i learned how to read younger-than-normal reading the words in spiderman comics
Unbreakable was good superhero movie
the deleted scenes should have stayed in the movie
because they would have explained what the fuck was going on for the people that didn't know anything about superheros
and, weirdly, people who knew nothing about superheros crammed into this movie the opening weekend
because it was never advertised as a "superhero" movie,
it was advertised as a movie "coming from the director of the 6th sense"
Unbreakable was better than Split
and Split was seemingly a damn stand-alone movie till what, the last 5 min?
weird way to do that
Unbreakable being same movie universe as Split was weirdly done where 2 totally different groups of people will show up to the theater for Glass
the people wanting to see an Unbreakable sequel, and people wanting to see a Split sequel
not even sure how much overlap those 2 groups will really have
i totally understand that making Split and Unbreakable same-movie-universe was an attempt to get a huge audience for the M-K-S movie that would follow Split, but it was just done weirdly
Follow the work of Luis Tosar and José Coronado. Both actors have incredible movies under their belts.![]()
I fucking love Asghar Farhadi (might be my favourite fully active writer/director at the moment) and this is another great movie, albeit not on the level of A Separation or Le Passé. It follows a family torn apart by a kidnapping, with Penelope Cruz outstanding as the grieving mother. In usual Farhadi style the kidnapping is a vehicle to shatter the facades of the family members and slowly draw out their secrets. It might be time, however, for him to change up his formula as it's starting to become a bit familiar.
Follow the work of Luis Tosar and José Coronado. Both actors have incredible movies under their belts.
Some of the movies I've seen recently (not for first time, tho, all Spanish ones)
-El Cuerpo
-Cien Años de Perdón
-Mientras Duermes
-Celda 211
All of those are top notch stuff.
That "school" of movies has some similarities. They mix drama, crime with thriller with success (I'm not a fan of Bardem as actor tho, I'm more refering to the kind of movies those 2 guys do)Thanks, just not entirely clear how this relates to my post? Are you saying these are similar movies?
Btw I've seen El Cuerpo, I thought it was a cool premise (along the lines of the classic Les Diaboliques) but quite poorly directed.
That "school" of movies has some similarities. They mix drama, crime with thriller with success (I'm not a fan of Bardem as actor tho, I'm more refering to the kind of movies those 2 guys do)
Coronado and Tosar.You mean Ricardo Darin? I'm not sure Everybody Knows was typical even for him. It's a Spanish thriller in name only, the director is Iranian and his style is more gritty family drama bordering on soap opera.