The Official Movie Thread

Endgame went by pretty fast for me, felt more like 2½ hours than 3. It helped that there were almost no action scenes until the big setpiece at the end.
I was bummed Strange didn't have more of a role in the climax. I mean, he did, but it felt understated to me. I realize they can only fit so much into three hours, but I was hoping for more of him.

I was a little disappointed because I'd gone in knowing nothing basically hoping for Infinity War 2 (since I missed out on seeing that in the cinema) and this wasn't really it. For one thing, all of the characters who got snapped in IW have very small roles and for another, it's not a very good Thanos movie as he isn't even in most of it and it doesn't really expand on his character any.

But I get that this movie was supposed to center on the old generation of Avengers. Maybe the next one (of course there's gonna be a next one) will center on the new, and we'll have more Doctor Strange and co. What I'm curious about is how all of these passing-the-mantle moments will pay off. I understand that in the world of comics (don't really read comics) there have been many Captain Americas, but will Anthony Mackie's Captain America have a major role in the MCU or will he remain relegated to supporting roles in future Avengers films?
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RIP Peter Mayhew. :cry:

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it's actually surprising to me how similar it is to MD in plot/themes considering how doubtful it is that lynch would've seen or been influenced by it. i seem to be the only person who makes this comparison though.
if all goes as planned i will prolly go see Endgame on Sunday afternoon
i actually enjoy reading all the spoilers first because i don't need the content of the movie to be a surprise to enjoy watching the movie
cannes lineup got announced a couple days ago. some highlights of the main competition are new movies from jarmusch, malick, bong joon-ho, the dardennes, almodovar, loach, desplechin, dolan, hausner, bellocchio, sciamma, mendonca filho, sachs, porumboiu. highlights elsewhere include new refn (actually a tv show they're showing a couple eps from), dumont, herzog, ferrara.

new tarantino and kechiche were also added to the comp since i posted this, and the new noe is screening. fest starts in ten days or so