The Official Movie Thread



Shoot First, Die Later

One of the best crooked cop films imo
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Grabbed this right after the 1988 game but didn't watch it, until tonight...
What'd you think? I know Romero was demoralized with the production after suffering the all-to-common studio interference, it being his first studio film. Funny that his next one, The Dark Half, also was a studio-backed project. All things considered, I've always really liked Monkey Shines. Even if a lot of Romero wanted in the film got lost to the editor, what's there is a pretty damn original horror movie. Whoever trained the monkey deserves some sort of award. Amazing creature they found for Ella.
Thought it fucking ruled, I loved the "and you, you're a clinical cunt" scene. It definitely had a vibe of family friendly garbage but anytime it almost became that, something insanely cruel or hilarious would happen and steer it back into horror territory. I can see myself watching it many more times in the future.
if all goes as planned i will prolly go see Endgame on Sunday afternoon
i actually enjoy reading all the spoilers first because i don't need the content of the movie to be a surprise to enjoy watching the movie
this movie was so long they only ended up showing the first half
they will show the second half next Sunday

I watched her movie A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night a while back. It had an interesting premise - a young Iranian vampire girl walking the seedy streets of Tehran - so it kinda challenged ideas of female vulnerability and her hijab, instead of being a implement of oppression, becomes a useful weapon of disguise.

I didn't think the story was all that compelling but it had a cool Jarmusch type vibe.
10 to Midnight fucking rules, easily one of my favourites in Bronson's career. So many of the shots are surprisingly amazing considering what you might usually expect from a Bronson film. The lighting and the tension, the use of violence and the purposeful way the blood is smeared on walls and flesh, it's so visceral, almost like a De Palma film or something.

Watching this one next:


There's a kind of lukewarm air about this film but I remember liking it, hopefully it still holds up.