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Shoot First, Die Later
One of the best crooked cop films imo

Shoot First, Die Later
One of the best crooked cop films imo
What'd you think? I know Romero was demoralized with the production after suffering the all-to-common studio interference, it being his first studio film. Funny that his next one, The Dark Half, also was a studio-backed project. All things considered, I've always really liked Monkey Shines. Even if a lot of Romero wanted in the film got lost to the editor, what's there is a pretty damn original horror movie. Whoever trained the monkey deserves some sort of award. Amazing creature they found for Ella.
fuck yes! finally!@TechnicalBarbarity , getting a blu ray release
this movie was so long they only ended up showing the first halfif all goes as planned i will prolly go see Endgame on Sunday afternoon
i actually enjoy reading all the spoilers first because i don't need the content of the movie to be a surprise to enjoy watching the movie
Yeah that's kinda what makes this a weird/disappointing move for her, since that and The Bad Batch were at least interesting and now she's going to do some throwaway gender-swap remake.
Looks cool! How is it?