i agreeI'm not someone who thinks action movies should be held to a lower standard where writing is concerned. There are few things I love more than an action movie with good writing (a rare thing) and I would absolutely count John Wick in that category. The plot isn't just an excuse to string together gorgeously choreographed action sequences, it also does a fantastic job establishing John Wick's in-universe legend status and building up this fantastical world where assassins organize in secret societies and operate on codes of honor. I've also seen a decent number of action movies, including many of the ones explicitly cited as influences by the makers of John Wick, and nothing about that movie strikes me as particularly derivative.
@CiG , for some reason i thought of you when i saw this. Almost bought it but just couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger
Quite a fine row of sleek horror films coming out lately. I recently watched The Hole in the Ground for the first time, which, while not as well-conceived as films like Mandy, The Void, The Endless, The Ritual, etc., was still visually pleasing and mildly disturbing on some fronts (although more than a bit derivative).
I'm really excited for a couple films that A24 is putting out--specifically, Midsommar (Ari Aster) and The Lighthouse (Robert Eggers). Also saw the trailer for The Lodge, which looks promising (although I'm always skeptical when studios load their trailers with shit like "game-changing horror"). I'm remaining hopeful because Goodnight Mommy was solid: