The Official Movie Thread

haven't seen the other two yet, but how is the witch similar to mother lol
Oops forgot the Lawrence rendition is Mother! Not Mother
Just suggesting the story arc. Unexplained/able phenomenons which reach a horrific conclusion capped with a ritualistic ceremony. Rather high level but the isolation of all three films (hereditary mother and witch) is also similar.
seems like a bit of a stretch to me. i don't find them particularly similar thematically beyond both being archetypal myths and treating gender/sex stuff in an elemental/spiritual way. i also think their filmmaking styles are pretty much diametrically opposed, atmosphere is totally different etc.

i'm sure you're right the style of the witch is a bit of a trend though. i just think it's a near perfect version of what it is, there are probably a lot of shittier versions of the same thing.
Also, unlike Hereditary and (arguably) The Witch,
Midsommar is emphatically not supernatural. That constitutes a major difference for me. I actually think there are a lot of differences between Hereditary and Midsommar.
Haven't seen midsommar yet , just sounded similar from hearsay

don't find them particularly similar thematically beyond both being archetypal myths and treating gender/sex stuff in an elemental/spiritual way. i also think their filmmaking styles are pretty much diametrically opposed, atmosphere is totally different etc.

Sounds like you're comparing them heavily but I don't know what you mean by film making here
Sounds like you're comparing them heavily but I don't know what you mean by film making here

aronofsky is all over-the-shoulder shakycam, full of long chaotic single-takes. it’s a style he’s employed for over ten years now, which can be traced back to the dardennes, and if i was gonna compare it to a witch movie it’d be the blair witch project tbh. eggers seems more rooted in kubrick, bergman and dreyer, very measured and patient and glacial, the camera’s mostly static aside from slow pans and zooms. tis a completely different approach innit
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They're also totally different narratively speaking. Mother! is 110% allegory (which makes sense given Aronsofsky's biblical bent); Hereditary is far from allegorical storytelling.
Ha, my mind's been stuck on Hereditary for some reason. My bad.

Although I'm not sure I agree that The Witch is allegorical, and definitely not as much as Mother!. I can't say precisely what the characters in The Witch stand for, allegorically speaking. I mean, the witch could be the manifestation of Puritan fear in the wild (especially being outcast from society), but I don't think the family members stand for any strictly identifiable or stable symbolic ideas. It certainly dabbles in symbolism, but I don't think it has an allegorical narrative structure.

By contrast, all the major characters in Mother! are fairly obvious stand-ins for abstract concepts, and the film has a clearly defined moral arc.
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