The Official Movie Thread

good description haha, not to mention the joe/tsai influence, tarkovsky influence, noir influence etc, i was never gonna resist it! i get why some people find it pretentious and academic as it’s very staged and precise, but the last act (which is a single take from the moment he falls asleep in the cinema to the end, fucking absurdly) blows that feeling apart for me.
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My references don't go anywhere near as deep as yours. Joe and Tsai? But yeah I read about that final act single shot shit, fucking mindblowing. I also read it was in 3D? Would love to watch it with 3D glasses on now.
joe is just apichatpong’s nickname so people don’t have to spell it lmao, even his wikipedia page refers to him as apichatpong ‘joe’ weerasethakul. tsai ming-liang is a taiwanese legend from the same era, i usually group them together ‘cause they both have that dreamy ‘slow cinema’ thing going on. yeah i haven’t seen it in 3d yet either but i really want to, i wish i had a cinema nearby that would show something like that but there’s no chance haha
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Oh right I always forget about Apichatpong's nickname being Joe lmao. I love that dude's style, I really need to see more already, Uncle Boonmee and Cemetery of Splendour are great. I've never seen anything by Tsai but I see I have some things wishlisted by him. I definitely see the Apichatpong influence in Long Day's Journey into Night now that I think about it. I also got some big Hou Hsiao-Hsien vibes.

The scene where the female PE teacher is trying to persuade the principal to let her have a lineup of suspects is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. :lol:

Watched this last night not really expecting much, just a halfway decent western with a competent cast. Turned out to be a pretty fucking brutal picture with one of the coldest most masculine performances from Burt Lancaster that I've ever seen. Super graphic too, with red paint exploding out of gunshot wounds like the paint itself was supplied for free!

@RadicalThrasher you ever see this man? If not I recommend it, I'm sure you're already a fan of Michael Winner so I don't need to belabour the point too much.

Anyways about to chill and throw on:

View attachment 26648

Watched this last night not really expecting much, just a halfway decent western with a competent cast. Turned out to be a pretty fucking brutal picture with one of the coldest most masculine performances from Burt Lancaster that I've ever seen. Super graphic too, with red paint exploding out of gunshot wounds like the paint itself was supplied for free!

@RadicalThrasher you ever see this man? If not I recommend it, I'm sure you're already a fan of Michael Winner so I don't need to belabour the point too much.

Honestly not sure if I've ever seen it? Sounds awesome and yeah I'm a fan of Winner. Will see if i can track it down
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