The Official Movie Thread

Pitch Black >> Riddick >>>>>>>>> Chronicles

is it weird that I feel like the way they progressed the series was similar to dragon ball to dbz? They created a bunch of backstory about him being an alien to give him some new guys to kill and completely changed the tone of what was going on.
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Going to watch this classic tonight....


After watching The Dead Don't Die ( and We Need to Talk About Kevin, I've been in a Tilda Swinton mood recently. Went digging through my unwatched DVD piles and the first one I came across was this so this is what I'm watching tonight:

Watched Brandon Cronenberg's Possessor tonight. Really good, felt some Beyond the Black Rainbow vibes, especially re. visuals. Overall better film than Beyond though, I thought--more of a cohesive plot and good narrative pacing. Also,

fucking devastating ending; and I enjoyed the ambiguity, unsure how much had been engineered in advance and how much Tasya concocted on her own. Either way, wild shit.
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Watched Brandon Cronenberg's Possessor tonight. Really good, felt some Beyond the Black Rainbow vibes, especially re. visuals. Overall better film than Beyond though, I thought--more of a cohesive plot and good narrative pacing. Also,

fucking devastating ending; and I enjoyed the ambiguity, unsure how much had been engineered in advance and how much Tasya concocted on her own. Either way, wild shit.

This should be screening here soon, I'm keen to catch it.
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Convicted murderer Mark Trex has just escaped from an asylum and is headed for New York City to track down the members of his favorite childhood band, Warriors of the Inferno. Believing that their occult hit song, which told of Satan and death, is true, Trex is determined to see if the band members have held up their part of their pact with evil. However, cop-on-the-edge Mickey McCardle is hot on his trail and determined to end this serial killer's spree.
A strange mash-up of horror and action film, J. Christian Ingvordsen's BLUE VENGEANCE combines gory killings with drug addled underground rock club scenes and corrupt police procedure that's set in the gritty world of late 80s New York, and comes complete with visits to Times Square and the infamous music club, CBGBs.

Trailer put together by the guy who scored it.

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Hell yeah I've heard of this one, looks fucking awesome. I've seen it compared to Deadbeat at Dawn.

Well it's definitely better made than Deadbeat at Dawn. It actually looks like a movie and not like a home video. But not too many similarities. Captures seedy side of old New York pretty well. Dude has like dungeon and dragon type hallucinations linked to the song he's obsessed with. There's jousts on bicycles complete with beheadings. Worth tracking down for sure but it's pretty obscure and probably hard to find.