The Official Movie Thread

i did the same, saw the theatrical cut first. the reason the extended cut is better is because the passage of time, and the themes of solipsism/connectivity, are a lot more pronounced. scenes are allowed to breathe and are directed in a way that contextualises them a lot more clearly. the theatrical cut doesn't actually remove that many scenes so much as stunt them, take away some of what was so distinctive about them direction-wise. i can't imagine how different/better the intended five hour version would've been haha.
That seems to be the general consensus, from what I've seen; and it makes total sense. Anyway, I was surprised I had to end up going to Karagarga to find the extended cut. I'll probably watch it tonight or tomorrow.

Your Criticker review of it makes me think about 25th Hour. I truthfully don't understand how it's considered an archetypal "post-9/11" film (a term I feel reeks of empty buzzspeak 75% of the time), but I understand the application of the term in the case of Margaret. I think Spike Lee is a great filmmaker, with Do the Right Thing being in my top-10 of all time, but I just don't get the fuss.
well i haven't seen it in a decade or so and my memory's rather blurry, but from what i recall i'm not a fan either. confession: i still haven't seen DO THE RIGHT THING. o_O

Kinski was pretty fantastic here.
Anyone else here excited for Warcraft? Seems like it might be a decent movie, I'm looking forward to it!

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no country probably knows all about this one. Fan's of Tarkovsky's Stalker and Zulawski's On The Silver Globe take heed. Sci-fi at its most epic and traumatizing.

This looks great

Watched Kung Fury last night, and it's probably the most entertaining thing I've seen in a long time. The 80's kitsch and corniness just scratched me right where I itch
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Saw The Seven Five last night. Documentary about some corrupt NY police. The whole thing felt like it should be a Scorsese film.
Kinski was pretty fantastic here.
Kinski's usually pretty great in anything. Even the ones where its obvious they only had him for a day or two and he just makes intense faces. Then again, his face was always intense. Fuckin' Kinski.

Death Delirium said:
I have seen the movie Demon Knight a decent amount of times, but I am pretty sure this is my first time seeing the actual series and I am really enjoying it. And am going to end up getting all of this shit on DVD.
Demon Knight is a blast. Billy Zane owns that one. "Ya fuckin' ho-dunk, po-dunk "well then" there motherfuckers!" Bordello of Blood is fun too. Way more comedy based then Demon Knight. A good showing for Dennis Miller even though he didn't give a fuck and sleepwalked through the role.
i marginally preferred murnau's NOSFERATU to herzog's as i found it just a little more mysterious/atmospheric/aesthetically gorgeous, but i recall liking most of the narrative changes herzog made for his version.

kinski in aguirre is just something else, man. hell, the whole film is beyond reproach.
Kinksi and Herzog is a perfect combination. Fitzcarraldo, Aguirre, fucking Woyczek, all my favorite movies. I also watched the documentaries about their "friendship". Kinski was actually fucking crazy.
I hadn't seen Stroszek since I was 14 until about 6 months ago. About 10 viewings later, I'm fairly certain I consider it Herzog's best film, even above the essentially flawless Aguirre.
I would like to see Bruno S in Woyczek instead of Kinski. Kinski is amazing but I think that character would especially fit Bruno S.
Deathgasm (2015) - okay gore film. none of the "metal jokes" were funny. the Trivium product placement was annoying

Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle (1989) - starts out pretty good with stupid humor but really drags once Bill Maher gets involved. i was expecting the film to be really trashy but it was tame and a struggle to get through

The Lady From Shanghai (1947) - horrible Irish accent. plot is a mess. Rita Hayworth is hot. cool scene at the end with the mirrors in the crazy house