The Official Movie Thread



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unreal lmao. i had a weird feeling this might happen just because i’ve not seen a movie so unanimously beloved the entire decade, but i still thought this’d be a bridge too far.
Started watching Doctor Sleep last night with my wife unit but it was the 3 hour director's cut so we made it about halfway through before falling asleep, but it was pretty entertaining so far. Of course it's based on King so it's full or retarded shit like ghosts disposed of in chests in someone's head but whatever.
I can appreciate a worthy movie being justly rewarded, for a change, without listening to hours of preening acceptance speeches and lip-synching pop starlets.
those awards dont mean shit, just a bunch of hollywood fart-huffers circle jerking each other ... only a moron would give weight to them. The spectacle for these things can be rather entertaining though, as Rancho proved during the Golden Globes. Glad you "appreciate" them though...
only a mental midget would think that i was trying to get a response out of you with that post ... or even the first one you responded to. So you can just go right ahead and fuck off Mr. "i dont care about what they say but i care about what they think" :lol: