The Official Movie Thread

so I watched Total Recall for the first time last night and HOLY FUCK what an awesome movie. god I couldn't believe how awesome it was.
the new Terminator was pretty lame. What made it cool was the settings, the special effects and Christian Bale. I thought that they succeeded every once in a while at creating the right mood for what they were trying to get across, but the acting was pretty weak generally ( especially Moon Bloodgood).

EDIT: I put Transformers down instead of terminator. wtf
the action was cool, all of the other shit was not. Especially the humor, that shit was horrible.
my thoughts on Moon: fucking loved it. This is Sam Rockwell at his best. A lot of the early reviews of it said it was like 2001 A Space me it was more like a mixture of Solaris (atmosphere wise) and Blade Runner (theme wise) with a moment that reminded me of a scene from The Prestige. I loved the feel of the whole movie...the loneliness and isolation. Clint Mansell, once again, wrote a great score to the film. It isn't for everybody, but if you like introspective and cerebral sci-fi films, I think you'll really enjoy it.