The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

I was thinking of starting a new radio show to play classical pipe organ music, but I figured it wouldn't be worth it. Even among classical music elitists, organ music isn't very popular. My father suggested I play some organ music on my Metal show though, since there are similarities. I'll think about it.
I wonder if anyone besides me likes nerdcore rap. I've been listening to mc chris and Optimus Rhyme recently. I can't stand most rap, yet I adore this small subgenre.

Also, does anyone else like opera? I've been stuck on Pavarotti's voice for so long-still depressed about his death in 07 too.

Listened to my first Coil album this afternoon, Scatology. It was pretty fantastic. I think I'm gonna love this group.
Saw Mogwai live for the 2nd time the other night at my favorite venue in Melbourne. Most excellent. They finished their encore with no less than fifteen minutes of guitar feedback and intense strobe lighting. All the people who went there to see some nice laidback tunes that they heard on the radio were looking extremely uncomfortable. :kickass:
I've been meaning to check out Nektar for quite some time now. Whats a good starter album?

I haven't heard all their albums, but of those I have; Journey To The Centre Of The Eye, A Tab In The Ocean, Remember The Future, Magic Is A Child and The Prodigal Son I think I like Journey and Tab best. But they're all good to start with, except maybe The Prodigal Son which is from 2001 and sounds a bit different.