The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

De-Loused In The Comatorium is their best IMO. But some parts require tolerance.
lol. have you actually heard anything outside the mainstream? 'cause you know, mainstream rock is kind of like mainstream metal...

i like a couple of foo songs actually.

couple of bands i've been getting into recently... enjoying the national's 'alligator' quite a lot. fleet foxes are growing on me too, einherjer will be pleased to hear. i don't love them or anything but it's nice stuff. that's how i usually end up feeling about pitchfork's flavour of the year actually.

I used to hate Fleet Foxes. The record is slowly growing on me, though I still don't see the massive hype around them. Bon Iver released the superior folk album last year.

The National is lame thought, tbh. So many better bands and I feel like they rehash the style of a few other modern indie rock bands way too much.

Have you heard Deerhunter?

Who else is into Ethnic music? I've been really digging this Indonesian compilation I got. The music has Indian, Chinese, and Arabian influence. I can't get enough of it.

Yeah, give me some of it. I want some.
How come you phrase it that way? :goggly:

I'm a really big Mars Volta fan, and I suppose it depends on what sort of thing you like, but I could recommend a lot of songs.

I really love TMV, but there are some parts of there songs that require tolerance at first to get to like.
I really love TMV, but there are some parts of there songs that require tolerance at first to get to like.

I guess it depends on the person and what part it is. Still though, a lot of music can hit you with stuff you're not used to and it can take time for it to click. I didn't understand the second Queensrÿche album for like a year when I first got it and now it's one of my favorite albums.
Is anything The Mars Volta put out actually any good?

De-Loused... and The Bedlam in Goliath are good. Frances The Mute has FAR too much random noodling in it.

I have a hard time with this band. I like them and appreciate that they make amazing complex music, but there's something about them that doesn't gel with me for some reason, and I can't really put my finger on it.
I just recently checked out Comus' debut, First Utterance. Anybody who digs 70s prog/folk rock will probably enjoy them, but they're really different. The music is all acoustics with a pastoral sense, and sometimes scary high-pitch vocals. Strange stuff, but awesome.

Opeth also stole the title My Arms, Your Hearse from their lyrics. First Utterance is a great album. "Drip Drip" is ridiculously creepy.
gonna be seein' dredg on the 13th.

probably a dumb idea seeing as how i'll be ditching one of my classes on its only second day to go see them, but I can't pass on them at all.
gonna be seein' dredg on the 13th.

probably a dumb idea seeing as how i'll be ditching one of my classes on its only second day to go see them, but I can't pass on them at all.

its never a dumb idea to see dredg, no matter waht the circumstances are.
fleet foxes are growing on me too, einherjer will be pleased to hear. i don't love them or anything but it's nice stuff.

I used to hate Fleet Foxes. The record is slowly growing on me, though I still don't see the massive hype around them.

I love the textures and layers of the vocals and music. It's very simplistic folk music, but it has this encompassing sense to it; it's like it envelops you. It just sets up a great atmosphere and environment I think.

Opeth also stole the title My Arms, Your Hearse from their lyrics. First Utterance is a great album. "Drip Drip" is ridiculously creepy.

Yes, I'd heard that Akerfelft took that title from the album. I'm really enjoying them so far.

it's all very silly and theatrical to me, an amusing oddity with a few nice isolated moments but rarely moving or thrilling.

Well, I'm a fan of The Wall and The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, so theatricality doesn't bother me. I think Comus' music is great, and I love the bawdy nature of their sound. It's like a dark pastoral comedy.
De-Loused... and The Bedlam in Goliath are good. Frances The Mute has FAR too much random noodling in it.

I have a hard time with this band. I like them and appreciate that they make amazing complex music, but there's something about them that doesn't gel with me for some reason, and I can't really put my finger on it.

You're in the group that is much more exclusive to the less extended, more harder rocking TMV stuff. Then, there's another group of fans that swear by 'Frances'. Personally, I love every single thing they have except a lot of 'Goliath'. It's the heaviest and most urgent, but the songwriting isn't as good as the previous three IMO. My favorites are 'Amputechture' and 'De-Loused', with 'Frances' behind because it just doesn't have as many songs...though I still love it... playing 'Cassandra Gemmini' right now actually...I don't see it as random noodling in this song...not in a bad way at least...sometimes the journey can be extended and it's just fine. :)
They're probably the only rock band that comes to mind that was worth a shit since grunge ended.

truthfully i find foo fighters to be horribly bland music and i'm not just saying that because i'm a tr00 metalhead or what not... there's plenty of music outside of metal that i like and some of it is very much in the pop realm and not above criticism... :blush: but honestly i find them about as engaging as nickelback.