The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

Foo Fighters is like the most still-water music on the planet to me. There was one song, one song where they almost sounded excited and even musical, it has this sort of goth-rock-ish beat through the verses and then it turns bland and alterna-sugar during the chorus and the song is ruined..just no color to that band's music at all.

Here's something kind of controversial...I like a few Paramore songs.....They have some song on that 'Twilight' movie which is putrid, but then I think they actually have some pretty interesting stuff for power-pop or whatever it is they do...the vocalist doesn't have the 12 year old nasal whine the rest of the bands do (think: Green Day clones), and the rhythm section, the drummer especially, is actually really good.... like this song cooks musically, IMO..I know they're silly but I pretty much rock out when this comes on :blush::

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I really like the song Everlong by the Foo Fighters, but everything else sounds like boring mainstream rock to me.

Last night I saw the GZA aka the Genius play at a local nightclub. It was a really good concert. GZA played a lot from both Liquid Swords and his new stuff. He also even did a little bit of Clan in Da Front and I Like it Raw. Beretta 9 from Killarmy was the opening act and he was decent. All in all a really fun and new experience.
GZA is a awesome. I love almost all of his stuff.

You need to check out some grime rappers. Should I provide a list?
I have not heard good things about Deerhunter.

The first Foo Fighters is really good. It has a lot more charm than the recent arena rock-ish material. Grohl wrote all of it while touring with Nirvana, so some of that influence comes through.
Umm, what are the bad things? They have been praised pretty much all around. Listen to Cryptograms.

Also anything on Kranky is pretty ace.

Is their a style that you are looking for?