The thread where you talk about non-metal music you like.

Some stuff I've been meaning to check out for a long time:

Autechre, Portishead, Wire, Talk Talk, Pixies,Leonard Cohen,Coil.

What to start with? Best albums from each?

autechre: amber (some would say 'tri repetae' or 'incunabula')

portishead: s/t but they're all good.

wire: 'pink flag' is the classic, only one i've heard. haven't got into it but haven't really tried.

talk talk: never heard them but 'spirit of eden' is the most acclaimed afaik

pixies: surfer rosa

cohen: songs of leonard cohen

coil: dunno

can't imagine you liking most of these but then again who knows with you haha.
billy1000000 you are my hero and personal saviour.


Italian aggrotech par excellence.
Zeph, if you're getting more into that sort of music I'd recommend you check out Siva Six. They aren't an aggrotech band but I think they might appeal to you. In time you'll find that most aggrotech or "terror ebm" bands are trendy, and disposable.

The album Black Will is excellent, one of the better albums I heard in 2006. My only complaint is that many of the samples they used from movies are easily recognizable.

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Ahaha, I've lately gotten into this coutry/bluegrass thing. I think it's so hilarious with banjo, mandolin and violin etc. but especially the banjo :lol:. I just get in this happy mood of listening to it.

Shit like this :lol::​
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The new Peter Gabriel album is utter musical wonder. The renditions, although strange, are beautifully haunting. I've listened to it several times now and I'm completely infatuated with it. Here are a few samples (for those who don't know, it's an album of covers titled Scratch My Back, and there are no guitars/percussion anywhere to be heard, but instead the entire album uses only orchestration and keys in its composition; also, in a few years another album will be released call And I'll Scratch Yours on which the artists Gabriel covered will cover his songs):

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The Sisters of Mercy were a great band.

some great tunes.

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The Sisters of Mercy were one of the best bands in the history of the world, ever. R.I.P. Andrew Eldritch's hair. I still write to the Doktor Avalanche advice column on their official website in vain hope that I will get a reply.
How about Ween? I really want to make a "just Ween" thread but I need to calm down and stop making stupid threads.

Ween are probably my favorite band of all time.