The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Nah, I've got plenty of self-control.

Just look at this face:

Isn't that not the spitting image of prudence if ever there was one?
Posting from school. I have gym in 20 minutes. I have a fucking headache and I'm tired as shit since I went to bed at fucking 2 or 3 in the morning.
Inter-subforum feuds ftw :kickass:

Currently eating a TV dinner consisting of burrito, rice & beans. It's pretty good.
Being in pain.

I got my tattoo redone since the ink faded out the first time hardcore and it's right in the middle of my back which makes it hurt like a bitch, especially right on the spine, which is where most of the detail is.


I'm moving tomorrow, to a college out in East Texas, which means I will be here less. I'll try to get on every once in a while though.
I'll miss u <3 <3 <3

Why does being at school make it harder to reach a computer anyway? Is the one you use at home a family computer or something?
At the moment, yes. I used to have a laptop but it shat itself. I am going to try to get the laptop fixed but seeing if I can go to MDF and paying for school are priorities at the moment. My girlfriend in Athens (the city I'm moving to) (everybody shut the fuck up about moving for girlfriends... too late to back out now!) has a computer though, so we'll see if I can commandeer that once in a while and see what you fuckers are up to.