The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

fuckin stressed out. Ive been stressing myself out for the last while, trying to get an albums worth of music done within a small amount of time. I gotta get a record deal, because I have no other choice really. No Job, no high school.
watching a really interesting doco about Nathalie "Tippi" Hedren the lead actress in Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds",they actually threw shitloads of live birds at her during filming and also tied live birds to her,one nearly scratching her eyeball out,Mike Tyson would've had a nervous breakdown!! the poor girl also became Alfred Hitchcock's obssession,cant imagine filmakers throwing and tying live birds onto their actors/actresses theses days
Just got out of a super-important :cool: people meeting at teh work. They're buying this new supply chain management / inventory optimization software for the plant, and I get to mess around with it and write the instructions for using it.

Definitely more interesting than installing software to people's computers all day long.
Your governor can't get through our governor's security, that's right, Right here in Fort Worth, we house the greatest physical force known to man, Chuck Norris... ready to defend his state at any time... and he doesn't care if your face is in the way.

Muthafucka, do you know who you talkin' to? I'm from da 817, bitch. My homies be ridin' night and day, muthafucka. You try to step on dis turf, and all I got to do is say da word, and yo bitch ass will get lit the fuck up, ho. I'm scurred? Yo ass is scurred, my fo' fo' make sho all yo kids don' gro!

K for your information, asshole, I have seen a lion. And not one of your crap ass queen of the jungle homoerotic pussy-cat lions. A real lion, with fangs and horns and wings and shit. Don't pull your fucking wierd ass african voodoo hypnosis crap on me when you don't even know wtf you're talking about.
fuckin stressed out. Ive been stressing myself out for the last while, trying to get an albums worth of music done within a small amount of time. I gotta get a record deal, because I have no other choice really. No Job, no high school.

I'm in the same boat. I'm trying to get some stuff written and recorded and hopefully get signed and get SOME kind of money...not really the best way to go about making music, but fuck I'm hurting financially...

Right now I'm listening to Profanatica and drinking some tea. Anyone know of some better tea I can get other than Celestial Seasonings? I really like the English Breakfast black tea they have, but not most of the other stuff. The blueberry is ok, and the chamomille, but there has to be better tea in the US...
My ca$$h flow is teh complete suck as well, and I'm also trying to get signed... not for money though.. for peace of mind. :p

Do you have Barnes & Noble or World Market near you? They both have way better teas. One good and very readily available brand is The Republic of Tea.
There's a Barnes and Noble ten minutes or so from me. I'll go there in a bit and check it out. Didn't even know they sold tea...

And getting signed would bring peace of mind. It'd be nice, even if there was no cash flow. Then you'd all be like 'hey, i talk to that guy! Now he's super kvlt!'....ah, the power of dreams...
I'm waiting for my Stuffed Crust Pizza from Pizza Hut to arrive, and waiting for the Habs/Bruins game to start in about an hour from now while listening to my tunes

Stuffed Crust is the shit yo! I usually like going to Uno's, cuz it's the only Chicago style pizza place here, but otherwise I get Pizza Hut. And I will not get a pizza from them that is not Stuffed Crust.
I like the stuffed crust except the sauce is too different from their other pizzas.

I actually think I like thin crust Pizza Hut the best and I'm not even a big thin crust person.

Right now though I could go for one of their P'Zone things..
K for your information, asshole, I have seen a lion. And not one of your crap ass queen of the jungle homoerotic pussy-cat lions. A real lion, with fangs and horns and wings and shit. Don't pull your fucking wierd ass african voodoo hypnosis crap on me when you don't even know wtf you're talking about.

I think every guy has at least once thought about sucking his own cock. One reason masturbation is so great is because you know how you want it! There is no thought to it. You jack off and things seem perfect. It can even be better than sex sometimes. I think what may set me apart from the majority of the group is how often I think about sucking my own cock. I could not even imagine how great it would be. Wow! My hot wet mouth slobbering and sucking my hard hot cock. I get chills just thinking of how great it would feel. It would be one million times better than getting head from a female or male! Just like masturbation, I would know how I wanted it. I would suck my cock perfect! I'm so hard just thinking about it. There have been times I though I may have permanently injured my back from just trying! Although I know I can't get my wet mouth over my hard tight cock, sometimes I just feel I need to try. What if!? Just what if?! Of course, I can not. Let me set myself apart from the group called majority again. I think when most people see a dog lick himself, they just kind of ignore it and perhaps give a slight chuckle. Not me. I stare. I stare at the dog doing something I have dreamt of for oh so long. What an AMAZING animal! This animal I am looking at is licking his own cock! I can't look away from a dog licking himself. I get SO hard thinking about what it would be like tasting my cock. Licking my cock. Sucking my cock! I would shoot gallons of cum down my throat! I want to cry just thinking about it! Could you imagine this BEAUTIFUL and warm feeling!? Ohhh! Wow! I give myself the chills. I found myself so in love with the dog. This oh so lucky creature knows the joy of self fellatio! It's not so much sex with a dog that makes me shoot my jizz all over that soft fur my dogs have to offer, then it is the fact that I am SO close to natures magical and lucky animal! I am not attracted to the a dog itself, but the fact he can do what I can only dream of.