The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Got expelled from my school for punching a teacher in the face. Went out and got drunk today by myself. Gonna go drink with a couple friends later.
Got expelled from my school for punching a teacher in the face. Went out and got drunk today by myself. Gonna go drink with a couple friends later.

Failing at life that hard is quite a feat, so nice work there if your story's actually true.

What ever did the teacher do to deserve this anyway?
The teacher disrespected me and my friends many times with his 10 year old sense of humor and his annoying smart ass attitude. Even if one were to try and confront him about it maturely (like me and my friends have done before) he would just make a stupid joke and walk off and try to play it off like he did nothing wrong because he can't admit how immature he acts sometimes.

He thinks he is the fucking funniest person ever. Anyway he was using his smart ass attitude and sarcasm on me (and it was already a shitty enough day because something big came up I wanted to email my psychiatrist about but couldn't). So he messed with me at a time I really couldn't handle being messed with (since a number of things that day were already pissing me off), I told him to suck my dick. Under his breath he said "grow one" and that was the last straw so I turned around and punched that guy in the face.

Of course I was wrong in doing that but a man who is fucking 30+ years old should be expected to be more mature than that.

I fucking regret it now as I should. I don't feel it was a good decision, that was just the reason I did it when I did.
Ah, that's a shame. But yeah, you might wanna find some way to deal with that temper. Best to avoid having any more situations like that in your life.
Got expelled from my school for punching a teacher in the face. Went out and got drunk today by myself. Gonna go drink with a couple friends later.

Welcome to being the new Greys.

I know. This is the first time I ever physically attacked a teacher since I was 7.

We had an american in our class. He was a right fat fucker, lived on cheese strings. Funniest shit ever. He always got so pissed off. He tried to double slap a teacher once.
If only there were staff members at schools with higher authority than teachers that could be talked to about the inappropriate behavior of employees!
Aapep you'd be expelled by now in an English school. In fact you'd probably be pulling cans out of a river while some bobbies watch you lol.
The teacher disrespected me and my friends many times with his 10 year old sense of humor and his annoying smart ass attitude. Even if one were to try and confront him about it maturely (like me and my friends have done before) he would just make a stupid joke and walk off and try to play it off like he did nothing wrong because he can't admit how immature he acts sometimes.

He thinks he is the fucking funniest person ever. Anyway he was using his smart ass attitude and sarcasm on me (and it was already a shitty enough day because something big came up I wanted to email my psychiatrist about but couldn't). So he messed with me at a time I really couldn't handle being messed with (since a number of things that day were already pissing me off), I told him to suck my dick. Under his breath he said "grow one" and that was the last straw so I turned around and punched that guy in the face.

Of course I was wrong in doing that but a man who is fucking 30+ years old should be expected to be more mature than that.

I fucking regret it now as I should. I don't feel it was a good decision, that was just the reason I did it when I did.

That's alarming that a teacher could get away with that. I would have sued his ass blind the second time it happened.
If only there were staff members at schools with higher authority than teachers that could be talked to about the inappropriate behavior of employees!

We talked to the principal a bunch of times. He said he would talk to the guy. But the teacher never changed his behavior.

Anyway yesterday none of my friends could come. As it was a sunday night. So I just went to a bar and blew the rest of my money there (or at least I thought I did but I found out I had $30 after I sobered up). I think I was asked to leave for some reason so I just went around town drunk talking to myself and hitting on chicks or just touching them. More on my catcher in the rye-esque story later.