The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Isn't he fucking 15? Dude, you have the rest of your life to fuck up, at least make it out of your childhood.
Aapep you'd be expelled by now in an English school. In fact you'd probably be pulling cans out of a river while some bobbies watch you lol.

Not sure, when I was at school I should have (according to the school rules) been expelled something like 8 times, due the amount of suspensions, headmasters dts, and normal dts. God knows why they kept me.
So your parents got you enrolled in a new school already? Good to hear the semester won't be a waste for you then.
My useless module (PH195) exam didn't go too bad. Now onto ACTUAL comp sci modules.
Go fucking open book to be fair. Like, 60% of the marks were on stuff I made great notes for.
20% was on stuff I had lecture notes for.
10% was stuff I had lecture notes for, and forgot to print off.
And 10% I didn't have time to answer.