The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I just started a blog (see signature), in association with swizzlenuts and Jean-Pierre, focusing on heavy metal reviews. I have some ideas for other kinds of content, but for now, and for the most part, the focus will be on reviews of newer albums. It's called Morbid Knocking (a reference to the Miasma song, of course). I posted my original review of the new Revelation album to get started, but I've been writing a lot in the past few days, which will get posted eventually. Here is our mission statement:

Morbid Knocking is a blog run by three likeminded metalheads and largely intended for likeminded metalheads. Consisting largely of reviews, our goal is to give attention to those acts that deserve it, by our standards. Having a foreknowledge of the past, yet embracing the present which is reflective of its origins, whatever is heavy and quality and done from the heart will be featured here. No fucking downloaders. If you came here to download, fuck off.
Laundry and chem homework.
Oh, and being pretty excited because tomorrow is my first day at my new volunteering job- I'm working in the local natural history museum as a fossil technician, and dead things own. Woot.
I hate when you don't quite get to finish an exam.

Tbh though it was my own fault for being fucking stupid.
My mate said it was 2 hours, I forgot to check the front of the paper.
1 hour 15 minutes later "You have 15 minutes, you are now obliged to stay in the hall until the exam is finished"
I've not even had wankers crank that bad the way I fucking wrote. Like a demon.

Another one today. Multiple choice, but possible to get negative marks :erk:
I was listening to Vader til just now one of my friends told me that pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis is actually a word, and I'm trying to pronounce it and find abbreviation for it.
I was listening to Vader til just now one of my friends told me that pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis is actually a word, and I'm trying to pronounce it and find abbreviation for it.


According to wikipedia, it is the longest word in the English language. Good to know, I guess.
Brewing coffee. Episodes of Charmed are on right now with Shannen Doherty and not Rose McGowen, not that the show is good just now it's completely worthless. GAY
So your parents got you enrolled in a new school already? Good to hear the semester won't be a waste for you then.

Well, I'm not really in the school yet. The principal of my old school brought me here to Taiwan to show me the school because he knows the principal. I just found another school back in Hong Kong though (that isn't religious) and is boarding. I sent a link to the site to my parents. I hope I can go there.