Nothing. My Grandma died about a week ago sitting in her chair doing a crossword and the next day my mother comes home with the chair and am like 'where did you get that' not really realising it was the chair her mother died in. I was kinda creeped out and brought it upstairs and last night she said her mother was in her room, but it was not actually pleasent at all and she was trying to scream and she was so scared she watched TV for a few hours and a few days ago had a dream about my grandma and it scared the shit out of me.
My grandpa did not want the chair and out of 5,6 sisters and one brother,etc.. she ends up taking it. I use to have dreams of her being decayed and tapping on my window.
Starwars is fun as shit. We have a HUGE campaign set up for it. (havent played in years though
The more I hear about it, the more I wish I would have saved my $50 bucks. The criticism has to be pretty accurate too becasue I have heard jsut about the same thing from everyone.
Do you play any other rpgs? My buddy is runny a Star Wars game and I have sat in on it and it seems like a cool system. I really enjoy White Wolfs World of Darkness/Vampire setting as well.