The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

In the Taipei airport killing time before flying to Tokyo. I have a 4 hour layover there and I have no idea what I'm gonna do.
No. I'm flying back home. I'm going to Tokyo then San Francisco and then Baltimore. The school in Taiwan is currently on a break and my parents want me back home.
Probably more worried than pissed since I punched a teacher in the face and left campus without permission to drink all day. They want me back mainly so I can see my therapist.
Anyways, Tired. Gonna go watch Southpark and fall asleep.

Now, I'm afraid that I have small glass shards in my eyes because I touched broken glass. Even though I know I washed my hands.
Got out of work early and was treated to a surprising surprise party :Smokin:
Happy bday and all of that. You know even the birthday girl could get up and make me a sammmich.

Learning Sultans Of Swing on guitar.
Great tune, ive been on somewhat of a Dire Straits kick myself lately.

Drinking a protein shake and about to go to bed soon.
On certain nights, the mortician locks his office door and spends the night praying. He shivers when the scraping noises pass by his door. He never looks for the bodies that disappear...