The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Got back to the shithole that is Ellicott City Maryland. Gonna watch movies tonight since I want my sleeping pattern reversed so that I can sleep through church.
I finished my exams so not a great deal.

I watched a film about child prostitution and know I feel a bit icky about looking at porn at all.

I just want to help the afrikaan girl in the video or something. Which, if you don't know me, is way out of tune with what I'm normally like. I don't mean I'm racist against afrikaans I just mean I'm selfish.

Shit I'd made a nasty typo there for a while

Just got back from work. Was a long, long fucking night. First of all, the floors were all muddy and dirty, from the sand. So I had to mop around the store 2 times. Then had to go around again and get all the dirty spots. Then I was cleaning the customer bathroom, and noticed the toilet was clogged up. So then it started to overflow and had to mop that up. That, plus all the other normal stuff I do.
I received my new MP3 player, a Zen, in the mail yesterday, and I've just finished loading music onto it. It's pretty sexy. Has a lot more features than an iPod, and the one I got also has 8 GB of space as opposed to my iPod's 2, so I'm going to enjoy not having to switch around the contents so often. I may eventually buy an SD memory card to up that as well.

Here's my baby:


And in her cute egg-blue silicone slipper:
