The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

XP. The Zen's compatible with Vista too, though.

I would think that any player that's worth a shit today is compatible with Vista.
Going to start writing my teacher observation report today. Once I submit it I can get Teacher Candidacy, which means I'm eligible for internships further down the road.
Gonna apply for a couple of schools. Since I don't have to go to the one in Taiwan and don't want to since it's pretty much off in the middle of nowhere in a tiny town that looks like a Chinese canal street. I'm gonna apply for the American International School of Hong Kong and for this school in Taipei called Tapa. The problem with Hong Kong is I'd have to find a family to live with which my parents aren't comfortable with but if I go to Taipei I could stay with one of my rich friends.
Just finished lifting weights to Exodus and Megadeth which, despite feeling great, did absolutely nothing to subdue this 'go fuck yourself' attitude I've inexplicably had all day. I actually yelled at my supervisor at work until he was in tears before (he _really_ deserved it though). Thank god for union jobs. Now attempting to cool down with Primordial and National Geographic.
I just got home from the bar. It was fucking terrible and I wish I would've just stayed here to work on the logo for my friend's band and listen to black metal all night.
What kinds of things exactly distinguish a 'good night' from a 'bad night' at a bar?

I don't really do bars btw, but I'd like to some day (when I have money).
I don't like it when the bars are too crowded and the place I usually hang out at has all of a sudden turned into the hip and cool bar in the area. Also, they were playing really bad rap music so that made things a bit worse.